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Hello Lovelies!

Welcome to my first ever (to be completed) novel. While I may have started many books in the past, my hope is that with this one it will be the first ever to be completed by me, myself and I. This is a story that took a great deal of thought and effort to bring to life, not to mention the hours and hours of writing that has been put in after the world came to life in my head. While I do love this book, I am entirely open to criticism, which can be left in the comments below, and which I will take into consideration when doing an edit once all the chapters are uploaded.

The first chapter in my novel is a cross between a prologue and a normal chapter so it will be a bit shorter, so don't be alarmed as that's not my plan for the average length of chapters, in this book, to be that size.

Characters: -Ahvi (aww-vee): female main character in love with a human boy named Vardan; born in a human form among dragons

-Vardan( var-dun): male secondary main character in love with Ahvi; human boy that is visited by a girl from an unknown place

-Milo(me-low): fellow young man from the village Vardan leaves at, as well as a close friend of Vardan

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