Chapter Four

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Sighing, I snuggled into the cocoon of warmth surrounding me, intending to return to the cosy depths of sleep. However, as I shifted slightly, I felt my cocoon move causing my eyes to snap open in alarm. Where was I?

Looking around at my surroundings, I was hopelessly disoriented. Last I could recall, I had been wandering aimlessly through the mountains, alone and starving. When I had fallen down that seemingly endless slope, I had felt sure it was the end. I could still hear the echo of my own thoughts as they pondered the life ending consequences my decision had brought me.

My gaze landed on a boy, snoozing quietly beside me, home to the cocoon of warmth enveloping me. Trailing down his body, my eyes settled on his messy brown locks, falling softly in front of his eyes. His cheeks were flushed an adorable shade of pink, presumably from the added warmth of my body against his.

I could feel my own cheeks flush as I admired the boy holding me so protectively in his arms. Is this what humans were like? If so, I certainly wasn't complaining. My clan needn't have worried about this race of creature, for the boy before me did not look intimidating in the slightest. Besides, if the worst comes to worst, I can just throat punch him, or finally make use of my sword fighting skills.

However, I suspected it wouldn't come to that, as I settled back down in the boy's arms. I could feel in my heart that this boy had zero intention of harming me. For if he did, he would have left me at the bottom of that slope, and wouldn't have bothered saving my life.

A moment later the boy's breathing changed, the start of him breaching the edges of his subconscious, keeping him trapped in the confines of sleep. His eyelashes brushed his cheeks as his eyes fluttered open, meeting my curious gaze. Within a moment they had widened dramatically, shock reflecting from their depths.

He sat up abruptly, his mouth hanging open, seemingly lost for words. I remained laying down, missing the warmth his body had provided, and tucked the fur back around myself. As much as I find this boy charming, I really didn't know much about humans in general. While I was confident I could handle myself, I could still feel stirrings of apprehension in my gut.

My lips started to quirk upwards in the corners as I watched the boy struggle to find the right words. I couldn't help but feel comfortable around this boy, whether that be that he was likely responsible for saving my life, or that he was the very definition of unthreatening

Though I'm sure he wouldn't want to hear that.

"What..," the boy trailed off, stuttering. He paused shortly before continuing, his cheeks regaining their rosy colour, seemingly embarrassed for stumbling over his words. "What is your name?"

Taking a moment to enjoy his flustered nervousness, I suppressed a giggle. I must have hit my head when I fell down that slope, because I had never felt so giddy in my life. Though, it could just be the boy before me. There weren't exactly boys that I could fancy back home. You know, considering they were all dragons.

" My name is Ahvi," I murmured softly, noting all the sleeping men around me. Interestingly, I wasn't nervous about being surrounded by a large group of unfamiliar men. Meeting the gaze, once again, of the boy before me, I shot the same question back at him. " And what is your name?"

"My name is Vardan," he replied, with a soft smile aimed directly at me. " It's nice to meet you, Ahvi. I've never heard of a name like yours before."

I chuckled softly, knowing very well why he had never heard a name like mine. I don't think informing Vardan of their close proximity to a mighty clan of dragons would be his preferred news of the day. That's if he even believes me. Which he likely wouldn't.

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