Chapter 24 - Moat Fish's Disaster

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Li Ge didn’t speak frankly at the time, but something must have happened. Otherwise why else would a colossal giant like Century Rising Dragon be mentioned in the same sentence as an insignificant staff member like Xu Bai Chuan?

As for Tang Jin paying attention to and specially targetting him, Xu Bai Chuan doesn’t believe any of it. After all, in the past, there was a time he used his author’s account with a couple hundred thousand followers to follow Tang Jin’s Weibo. To prevent fans from scouring around and discovering that Tang Jin was the prototype hero of his novel, he followed more than 100 people on that day, the 28th being Tang Jin because that was the date of Xu Bai Chuan’s birthday.

After that, he blocked everyone else and only left Tang Jin’s activities. He did so many foolish things, simply because were Tang Jin to randomly discover that an author was following him one day and curiously click on his profile page, he could read about Xu Bai Chuan’s hopes and expectations.

Yet reality proved it futile.

In private, Tang Jin absolutely won’t upload posts, never cared about those new random followers of his, and especially would never click on a profile page to read some strange story. His Weibo was only used to like the posts made by that gang of scoundrels, which was probably equivalent to teachers writing ‘reviewed’ in red pen on exam papers back in school.

Although followers couldn’t track down Tang Jin, Xu Bai Chuan could by making another account and following the Weibo accounts of Tang Jin’s friends. Thinking about it, that was rather leisurely of him. How sickening.

Tang Jin couldn’t have possibly paid attention to his whereabouts. People from Century Rising Dragon likely saw that he was here and reported it. Then Tang Jin must have felt that the money he spent towards this club was still used to support him and ordered people to dismiss him in a fit of anger. This was more reasonable.

When Xu Bai Chuan fabricated a reason for his resignation, he never thought that he could have his own words turn out to be tragically prophetic.

Returning home from the company, he exited the elevator and turned the right corner onto the corridor. While worrying about how he could search for a job with as good as an atmosphere as the club he had just left, he suddenly saw many people gathered around Luo Junyu’s door.

All women.

They shook the bags in their hands with a rustle and pressed their heads together while softly muttering something.

Under the lights, Xu Bai Chuan saw what appeared to be red paint by Luo Junyu’s door. He hurriedly walked over and asked, “What are you doing?”

Xu Bai Chuan was imposing and had elegant features, looking like a person who had witnessed the shifting aspects of society. Those women appeared like startled rabbits once they saw him and their bodies trembled. Then they immediately started pulling at each other, disregarded Xu Bai Chuan’s question, and hurriedly whispered, “Hurry up”, before tugging each other along to quickly escape.

While looking back at the direction where those people ran off to, he walked in front of Luo Junyu’s door. What a frightening sight. ‘Slag man’, ‘booty call prince’ and ‘scum’ were written all over in red paint on and beside Luo Junyu’s door.

Xu Bai Chuan was shocked. He really regretted not immediately taking a photo of their faces.

He knocked on a small spot uncovered by red paint and yelled, “Luo Junyu, it’s me. Are you there?”

Hearing Xu Bai Chuan’s voice from the inside, a person crept towards the door and after seeing there was only one person through the peephole, the door was opened. Shasha flew out, settling itself in Xu Bai Chuan’s embrace.

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