chapter 51 extra(9):Past Events 6-10

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  A small ball moves in a straight line at a uniform speed on a smooth surface. If there is no external force to interfere with it, it will keep moving at its original speed forever.

  This is similar to the stalemate between Tang Jin and Xu Baichuan.

  They are like two small balls separated by a certain distance. One is constantly approaching and the other is constantly moving away. This distance will never shrink.

  It took Tang Jin nearly seven years to confirm again and again that no matter how bad his attitude was, Xu Baichuan would only give in and not leave, but he would never open up and speak his mind. This took so long that Tang Jin felt that there was no need to pursue it further. As long as Xu Baichuan said he liked him, he could believe it until one day Xu Baichuan wanted to change his way of playing.

  After a long time, Tang Jin realized that he was wrong - Xu Baichuan would not leave.

  The opportunity was Song Yiyu's birthday.

  Song Yiyu hadn't appeared for several years, and in fact not much had changed. However, Tang Jin's state of mind was greatly different from before. When he saw Song Yiyu again, he didn't have any emotions in my heart. He just sighed that seven years had passed.

  When the cake was being cut, someone tried to push Song Yiyu into the big cake. Thinking that Song Yiyu had been clean since childhood, Tang Jin helped him to block it out of concern for his younger brother who had grown up together. Unexpectedly, this action was filmed.

  Xu Baichuan and Song Yiyu... the answer is so obvious.

  When faced with Xu Baichuan's question, Tang Jin became a little unwilling because of his drunkenness. He had been at a disadvantage in this relationship for too long. He couldn't help but explain every time, but Xu Baichuan was indifferent and even a little surprised by him.
He was tired of Xu Baichuan's calm expression, and would rather go against his heart and let the other party feel his annoyance.

  He never knew that Xu Baichuan had reached the limit of his endurance.

  He was already panicking when Xu Baichuan didn't come home for two consecutive days. Over the years, his temptations had become a habit, and he had become accustomed to Xu Baichuan's concessions. He still wanted to wait reservedly for Xu Baichuan to back down again, until Cheng Xu told He, Xu Baichuan, decided to go out for a walk.

  Cheng Xu asked him: "Did you quarrel with Xu Baichuan?"

  Tang Jin was still troubled by the fact that Xu Baichuan left without saying goodbye, and said dullly: "We can't make a quarrel."

  The problem is that he and Xu Baichuan can never quarrel. He can only waste his enthusiasm in the silent tug of war again and again.

  Cheng Xu reminded him: "Xu Baichuan...may be really angry this time."

  Tang Jin also had a vague premonition in his heart, but he didn't want to admit it. He pretended to be relaxed and said that Xu Baichuan would come back.

  Countless times before, he expected Xu Baichuan to leave angrily, but when this day actually came, he found that he couldn't bear it.
  When Xu Baichuan truly told Tang Yuan that he wanted to resign, Tang Jin vaguely heard a hint of determination. He did not dare to say any more because he was afraid that Xu Baichuan would take advantage of the situation and clearly say that he was leaving.

  He finally saw Xu Baichuan's rebellious posture that he had wanted to see for a long time.

  For the first time, he knew that Xu Baichuan actually liked spicy food. It was the first time I saw other men around Xu Baichuan.

  At this time Tang Jin discovered that he no longer needed Xu Baichuan to resist. He didn't want to test it anymore.

  Even if Xu Baichuan lied to him, he was willing to be bound.

  He only wants Xu Baichuan.

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