Chapter 8

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It was end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. Winter, my bestie, was still in coma. I was lonely especially at school, so lonely that a wrote a song about it😢. Mason and I became even closer cause he's the only one I can talk to now. Dennis isn't happy about anything, now always moody in school. Actually, Winter is the life and vibe in school. Tyler is off my back and Mason likes Katie.

Katie Carpenter is a Snake, full of deceit, behaves like a doll and also very annoying. I'll totally rank her as my #5 most annoying person I know.

#1- Tyler💯


#3- Diana

#4- Carmen

#5- Katie

#6-Gwendoline (some girl in science class)

#7- Jayden & Clara (Niece and Nephew)

#8- Mark but we call him Marky (some guy in science class)

I walk down the hallway only to see Mason and Katie standing together, chatting.

"Hey, couz" I say trying to cut their chat


"Can we talk?"

"I'm kinda talking Here"


"I don't know" he says contemplating whether to follow me or not.

Not caring, I yank him to an empty class.

"I don't think you should be talking to Katie"

"Why?, I like her"

"You like her. Don't worry, in the nearest future she'll be your Mid Spring Nightmare"

" I was just..." He says as I interrupt

" whatever, Mason"

"Okay" he says as I walk out

.......Few Hours Later.......

I get home early. I ask my sister for permission to go out and she allows me. I put on my clothes and head for the park. As I walk around the park, I think about my life, love and friendship. I became so emotional. Suddenly,it starts to drizzle. I decided to head back home. On my way, the rain became so intense. My clothes became soaked and suddenly, an umbrella covers me, I turn and I see a strange face.

"Thanks" I say 

"Sure, I can't let a beautiful girl like you, get soaked with water"

"Thanks again"

"You're welcome. Anyways, where are we headed?"

"9th street"

"OK, I'll pass there. I live at 10th street"

"Okay, nice to meet you" I say shivering

"Here" he says as he gives me his jacket which brought warmth as I wore it.

"Thanks" I express my gratitude. 

        He was nice and we conversed as we walked. Soon, we get to my house and he follows me to my door step. It was then i remembered that i didn't introduce my self.

    "By the way, I'm Riele"

"I'm Nathaniel but you can call me Neil"

"I should better go inside now, thanks"

"Okay" he says as our eyes meet.

"Bye" i say heading for the door.

"Wait!" He says as I turn around to see why he made me halt.

"Please, can I get your number?"

"Umm, sure...OK" I say as we exchanged numbers. After, i go inside and had a hot bath. After bathing, I receive a message from an unknown number.

USER: Hey, I'm home. It's Neil.

ME: oh, OK

       I save his number and our chat continues as i go to the sitting room.

NEIL: Can we be friends?

ME: I'm not sure

NEIL: why?

ME: I wouldn't say

NEIL: so?

ME: so what😕

NEIL: Friends?

ME: Friends

             "You guys are going to be more than Friends" Mason says from behind

"What!, how did, you read my. Oh my Lord" i say as i didn't know what to say at that moment. I was annoyed. I didn't know he was behind me.

  "Yeah, you heard me, Riri"

"We just met, Mason"

"Doesn't mean you guys can't be a thing" he says having a lolli in his mouth.

"We can't be a thing, I'm not even an object" i say as he burst out laughing

"Still got your sar..." He says as i interrupt

"Don't try it"

"Okay" he says as he puts a lollipop in his mouth.

"And if you don't stop licking that lollipop, I'm gonna shove it down your throat"

"Jeez, Riele" he says looking surprised.

"Sorry, since Winter has been in the hospital, i haven't been my self"

"It's not your fault, I know what it means to be without your closest friend"


"Let me go change, remember we are going to the hospital"

"Yeah, wouldn't forget"

            He gets dressed and we go to the hospital immediately the rain stopped. 

Mason was actually my male bestie. I confide in him and i find him  as a very interesting person. Even when I moved to New york newly, I still called him every day. He's more than my cousin, he's my bestie just like Winter.

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