004 | "You're delusional."

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A little over two weeks have passed since Sierra and Jasmine met The twins, Jax, and Kaylen and they've all been keeping in touch, some more than others

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A little over two weeks have passed since Sierra and Jasmine met The twins, Jax, and Kaylen and they've all been keeping in touch, some more than others.

Out of all the people she and Sierra met that day, Javon and Jax are the only ones who made it into Jasmine's pinned messages.

Right now Jasmine and Sierra sit on their deck with sunglasses on their face and phones in their hand, simply enjoying each other's presence.

"Do you wanna go out this weekend with Jax and them?" Jasmine asks while looking up at her younger sister. "Yeah, and do what?"

Before answering Jasmine looks down at her phone to read straight from the message. "Uhm, Trampoline park and then...Walmart?"


"Yeah, I dunno about that one either," Jasmine admits. "I mean, don't get me wrong I'm down but I didn't hear eating at all," Sierra says and Jasmine's eyes widen.

"I was just thinking the same fucking thing, bro," Jasmine says while pressing her middle and index fingers against her temples. "If we don't eat, I'm like actually gonna tweak out."

"If there's no food I refuse."

Jasmine laughs at the comment before getting another text from Jax. "No joke, Jax just said and I quote 'make sure lil D is there'," Jasmine says while handing the phone to Sierra.

"I just think lil D is so crazy," Sierra says while rereading the message over for the 3rd time. "I just wanna know what it stands for." Jasmine says since there is no 'D' in Sierra's name.

"Oh my gosh, wait. Why is Javon being messy?" Sierra says while reading the message that he just sent to Jasmine.

'Do you wanna hang out this weekend?'
'Like just the 2 of us?'

"Oh, you guys have been texting," Sierra says in shock as she scrolls through all their messages. "Do you like this kid, like actually?"

"Sierra, you know I would tell you if I liked him," Jasmine says since she always tells Sierra when she's even slightly attracted to a man.

"I think he's fine as fuck, like actually out of this world but, I'm not like into him or anything," Jasmine says and Sierra smiles at how she describes the older twin.

"I mean, he's definitely your type."

Jasmine ignores the comment and takes the phone from Sierra's hand. "I'm just gonna say 'Let's hang out tomorrow, Sierra's looking forward to this weekend.' should I say that?" Jasmine asks and Sierra nods.

After Jasmine sends the message Javon responds almost instantly, surprising both Jasmine and Sierra.

'Alr, I'll pick you up'

"He wants you, bro," Sierra states obviously but Jasmine just shakes her head no and responds with 'pft, nah'

"You're delusional."

After stating her opinion on Jasmine and Javon's relations Sierra gets a text from her friend. "Oh, Melanie's here, I'll see you tomorrow."  the younger girl says while hugging her older sister.

"Okay, love you, bye."


Javon lays on his bed flat on his stomach as he reads over the text Jasmine just sent him for the 20th time now.

'y wait for the weeknd, im free tomorrow🤷‍♀️'
'+ Sierra rlly wants to go this weeknd.'

Javon gets up from his bed and starts to make his way to Jayla's room with his phone in hand. He doesn't waste any time knocking he just bathes into the room where Jayla lays on her bed talking to Kylee.

"Hey, Javon," Kylee says while looking up at the boy. "Sup, Kylee," he says while sitting down on the bed next to Jayla.

"Look is this good or is this an excuse?" Javon asks while handing his phone to Jayla. "Oh, lemme see," Kylee says while getting up from the floor to read the message from Jasmine.

"Is this Jasmine? Like Jasmine Mooney?" Kylee asks when seeing the name is 'Jasmine 🎥' "Yeah? So, is that an excuse or what?" Javon asks.

"You have her number!? How do you even know her?" Kylee asks while taking the phone and looking at the name in astonishment.

"Oh, get this! They met her, spent a whole day with her, got her number and now they hang out." Jayla explains.

"They? Who is they?"

"Javon, Jaden, Kaylen, AND JAX." jayla explains while counting on her fingers. "Oh, so she's just best friends with everyone but us?" Kylee says in disbelief.

"That's what I was saying!" Jayla agrees, both of them completely ignoring Javon's presence as he patiently waits for an answer.

"Guys!" Javon says bringing their attention back to him. "Is that good or not?"

Jayla and Kylee both pause and read the text over again. "Yeah, she just can't wait to see you," Jayla explains and Kylee nods in agreement.

"You guys text a lot." Kylee points out while scrolling through their messages. "She's even pinned, I'm not even pinned." Jayla points out.

"You guys like a thing?" Kylee asks and Javon shakes his head no. "Nah, just friends."

"Then why are you asking her on a date?"

The question throws Javon off and makes his face twist up. "What are you talking about?" He says now sounding defensive.

"Just the two of you guys hanging out? Sounds like a date."

"Well, it's not."

"Whatever you say," Jayla says while holding her hands up in surrender as Javom grabs his phone and leaves the room.

'I just met her, why would I ask her on a date? I don't even like her like that.' Javon thinks to himself as he looks over his and her messages again.

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