Chapter 11

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The energy in the arena was electric, as it always was on home opener night. I could feel the vibrations of excitement from the crowd reverberating through my skates and up my legs as I glided around on the ice. My teammates and I were all smiles, eager to show what we had been working on during the off-season. We were confident this game was going to be in the bag.

Red and white jerseys flew around on the other side of the rink as we waited for the game to begin. Brite University was new to the Division 1 league and sat at the bottom of the standings. They were a young and inexperienced team, but we knew not to take them lightly. Every team had their strengths and weaknesses, and underestimating our opponents could result in a loss. It was just hard not to be cocky.

As I glanced over at their bench, I noticed a few nervous-looking players, while others seemed pumped up and ready to prove themselves. It reminded me of my first year on the team, unsure of myself but determined to make an impact.

I completed one final lap, slipping one past Hendrix in net before making my way towards the board to stretch. Seeing that it was a home game, Coach had us in for morning warm-up. It made all the difference as I lowered myself into a pigeon stretch.

As I focused on my breathing, I made the mistake of looking into the crowd. It wasn't because seeing the sea of people made me nervous. I was primed to play in front of an audience—if anything, the crowd only urged me to play harder.

But this time, when I peered into the crowd, my gaze fell on the girl who haunted me for the past year. Charlie sat next to her sister in the stands. The surprise of seeing her there sent a jolt through me, like someone had just hooked my heart up to a car battery. When I invited her to our opener, I didn't think she'd actually show up. Unless it was for class—or her sister dragged her out—Charlie rarely left the house. And yet, there she was, looking on edge among the sea of raucous spectators.

I cracked a grin. I had to admit, seeing Charlie in the stands added to the giddiness of a new season. It also added an extra layer of determination—a renewed sense of purpose. Hockey was my passion. It was everything I worked so hard for. Fuck, playing in the NHL had been my goal since before I knew how to skate.

But for once, I wanted to play well for someone other than myself. I wanted to play well for her.

I shook off the lingering stupor of Charlie's presence and turned my attention back to warming up. I knew that if I let my emotions get the better of me, I wouldn't be able to perform at my best. I needed to stay in the moment, to concentrate on the task at hand.

The final seconds of warm-ups ticked down, and I skated to the bench to join my teammates. I stole another glance at Charlie in the stands, her eyes focused on the ice. My heart raced with the knowledge that she was here to watch me play. I tried to keep my focus on the game, but it was damn near impossible.

"Hey, Casanova, get your head in the game." Maverick skirted to a stop next to me, nudging me with his arm.

I scoffed. Being called Casanova from someone like Maverick Sousa was rich. I wasn't the one who had a new girl in my bed every other day. There was no doubt in my mind that half of the male-loving people in the audience were here to get a good look at him.

Maverick hit me with another sly expression. His eyes narrowed into accusing slits. "Did you blackmail her into coming or something?"

My glove met his chest. "Is it so hard to believe that she might actually be warming up to me?"

My best friend's face split into a full grin. "If we were talking about any other girl here, I'd say no. But we're talking about the girl you've been pining over for a year now."

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