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Charles POV

"If you already think I'm a fucking slut for hanging out with Lando, what I'm about to do will shock you."

Her face inched towards mine, the anger between us disappeared for a moment as the face that I grew up with was striking every nerve in my body: her freckles still so prominent, her green eyes staring deep into my soul, which once squinted out of laughter and warmth now squinted in anger and disgust. Not to mention cold. Anyone who witnessed our current relationship would believe we had no happy memories together at all. Well, I wouldn't even call whatever we had a 'relationship', we just knew each other; no longer best friends, no longer friends, a waste of fucking 17 years of our lives.

Those fucking freckles. They should have disappeared as soon as we stopped being friends -  I noticed each freckle darken every summer of our lives - a reminder of the happiest memories we ever had. The happiest memories I ever had.

Wait, what did she say?

Her arms shoved me away from her causing me to almost fall back entirely. Those eyes no longer looking into mine but towards the open door which we first entered in. No, no, no. She was not going to do what was going through my mind. She wasn't fucking stupid. She wasn't going to fuck Lando, she won't, she won't, she won't. My heart was racing with my pulse feeling like speakers that projected every beat in my ears.

She wasn't going to fuck Lando Norris, I was going to make sure of it. I followed her through the crowd of people, where the fuck was she going?  The crowd of people made me lose her in the process, which thankfully for them as it's Pierre's party, I wasn't going to punch any of the mindless dickheads that stood in my way. 

Ricciardo watched me with a confused, yet concerned look on his face.

"Where the fuck is Norris?", that dickhead needed to stop this flirtatious act he had with her or so help God I will make him stop.

Daniel's mouth opened with nothing to say.

Useless piece of shit. The door which was the entrance to the yacht was ahead, she must have left, but not far. I beg not far.

What. The sight in front of me did something to me. I don't know what it did but my body couldn't move. His eyes fucking hers, as he slid her brunette hair behind her ear. His hands grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her close. My blood ran cold, he shouldn't be touching her like that, not Lando Norris out of all people. He didn't deserve to touch her, he didn't deserve her. The sudden act of him grabbing her ass caused me to see red. There's no fucking way. The distance between me and them was too far - before I could reach the scene they got into the car and drove off.

My knees felt week. I didn't feel right. My legs naturally gave out, causing me to sit down. They weren't going to do it. They weren't. She was bluffing. I know she was bluffing, she wouldn't do that just to make a point, she's not that insane. Unless, what I, including the media, have been seeing of them lately, which would make sense.

She drives me fucking insane

Saudi Arabian Practice  (2 days later)

Victoria's POV

I didn't fuck Lando Norris. Of course I didn't. As handsome and lovely as he was, I wasn't going to have sex with him because I impulsively told Leclerc I would, just to prove a point. Something didn't feel right after Pierre's party. I didn't understand why Leclerc got so angry over something so worthless to him, who gives a flying fuck about a picture. Especially of Lando and I. But then again, he was always protective of me growing up and although he was my bestest friend, I had no hoes. For a seventeen year old girl, I was pissed. I couldn't even get him to stop being so protective because he argued that he didn't actually do anything for me to not get guys. "Liar" is what I used to call him. Arthur told me how some of the guys that we knew wanted to ask me out on a date. They never got the chance to as every time they got a little bit too close, a death stare would be given by a certain brunette Leclerc, I wonder who. Leclerc didn't know that I knew this information, he only joked that I just didn't get bitches.

Was that version of him still there? Did he still care about me to this day? Did he miss our friendship? I didn't know why I kept repeating those questions in my head, as I didn't give two shits about him. I also didn't want to know the answers to the questions I kept asking myself.

"Victoria start getting ready for practice, we've got ten minutes until we need to get the car out", Vasseur stated with a smile and thumbs up. "I'm on it", I said sending a thumbs up back with a giant smile, to which he chuckled and walked away.

My changing room was thankfully only a few steps away, allowing me to grab my water on the way, and take large sips on it, enjoying the feeling of the coldness rush down my throat.

God it was hot in here.

I opened the door and the sight in front of me caused me to spit all my water on my floor. Leclerc shirtless and only wearing his boxers. His muscles were defined and they fitted perfectly onto his body, and dare I say the soft abs on display was impressive, you could say.

He rolled his eyes at my reaction. 

"What the fuck are you doing in here!?" I yelled.

"My room is being changed around.", he nonchalantly carried on sorting out his clothes.

"So what!? Why the fuck are you in my changing room?"

"Calm down. It's nothing you've not seen before." He said as he slightly bit his lip, an almost unnoticeable act.

It was really fucking hot in here.

"Don't say that, you're making it seem like we fuck all the time.", his eyes pierced into my own at the mention, the silence unbelievably uncomfortable around us.

"Erm anyways. What the fuck was up with you yesterday?"

His jaw clenched, with his eyes unable to look into mine, "Nothing."

"What do you mean nothing? You basically abducted me."

He rolled his eyes at my statement, "I didn't abduct you, I meant what I said Riley, I think you're a fucking slut if you slept with Norris. No surprise to us all."

His insult struck something deep in my heart, "I mean everyone knew, it was so obvious. The way you act with each other, the shit you post, the way you two are so close", he stated as he slowly approached me, his eyes staring right into my soul. My back was now against my the door, once again, his body almost against mine. My anger was being fuelled by his insensitive, and debatably sexist, remarks.

I smirked, "are you just jealous that I'm getting more action than you Leclerc? If that's the reason why you're so offended then I'd advise you to stop being such a dickhead, and just maybe you'll get some girls."

His eyes squinted whilst he grabbed my chin lightly, inching his face towards mine.

"Oh love, you really have no idea. I'd say the girl last night really enjoyed all of me, oh and the two nights before that. That's if we are only basing it on the way she begged for me all night, or is there another way to judge how much she loved it?"

Our chests both heaved. He fucked a girl the night of Pierre's party?

"I don't have all day Riley" he said in a humorous tone. 

"Get the fuck out my changing room.", the silence between us was thicker than a brick wall. I was no longer staring at those intimidating eyes that tried to make me feel small, but at his lips that turned up into its usual, stupid smirk.

He lightly pushed my chin away, my eyes unable to tear them away from his evil and hurtful ones that were born with the most pure intentions and good character.  Ultimately, they were destined to hurt the person that loved him most.

"Gladly", he said with the smirk that maintained on his face, with strong eye contact that was held between us both, not once broken.

He drives me fucking insane.

Writers note: Omg this is my first writers note. I'll keep it short. Hope everyone's enjoying the story, please comment what you think of it so far!! I'm hoping that the story and writing isn't too bad. Love you all <3

My TikTok if you don't know it already: victoriaf1.16

- Victoria <3

Fuck you Leclerc | Charles LeclercМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя