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Victoria's POV

The sight of Leclerc staring at Lando rather intensely was definitely a scene that I haven't witnessed yet. It was something I definitely did not think I was going to witness either. Yet here I was, witnessing the unpredictable scene in front of my eyes: my past facing my present, in a rather heated-looking encounter.

The eyes which I am only familiar and felt comfortable with met mine, clearly shocked himself at what was occurring. The awkwardness in the air became too overwhelming, the urge to break this encounter of my past with my present needed to be fulfilled.

"Erm, I was sent to tell you guys that we have a press conference to go to.." I said, filling the air with a sentence that I didn't expect to say, specifically to my best friend and my ex best friend; the most important people in my life, at different points of my life.

The brunette's back, which faced me seemed tense, his muscles were not relaxed, but quite the opposite. The sight almost instantly disappeared as his body now faced mine, with his eyes narrowed at me. His fireproofs laid comfortably around his waist, with his tight long sleeve shirt clinging to every inch of his body. His muscles were definitely not relaxed. I refused to meet his eyes and I didn't know why. I didn't want to know why. In that moment I saw something that made me look at him differently, and I knew he sensed that just by looking at me for half a second; that's what a best friend of 17 years could do I guessed. Unfortunately, I remembered him psychoanalysing me was one of his annoyingly amazing skills.

I couldn't even utter a word to him, what the hell was wrong with me? The only person that I could look at was Lando, and with everything that I needed to state to the both of them I could only say to Lando, "We all need to go to conference hall four, we all need to be there, like right now."
My peripheral vision only caught Leclerc's mouth open about to speak, but my inability to act normal had dissipated into thin air and I needed to leave. Even if it meant I looked weirder than to begin with.

I grabbed Lando's arm before either of them could say a word, and just moments later we were sat in this cursed hall. Cursed because of who I was teamed to do this particular conference with: Lewis, Lando and Leclerc. Considering that I witnessed that weird encounter, which I'm curious to find out what it was about, between Lando and Leclerc, the awkwardness in the air was clearly felt by me.

"That was weird wasn't it?" Lando whispered in my ear as he nudged me.
"Oh my god, I'm not the only one thinking that?" I replied almost instantly. His smile made me feel more comfortable as he chuckled "no, not at all. I don't blame you for wanting to get out of that. Especially, well, you know."

His hedging confused me, which he soon realised when he took in my facial expression. "I don't blame the guy. It's almost as if I replaced him. I know I wouldn't be happy if my bestest friend since birth got a new best friend, especially after a hurtful end to a one-of-a-kind friendship." His truth dug deep, a bit too deep. The kind that feels like a dagger stabbing you in the heart, accompanied with a cold flow of blood which runs through your entire body, and drags your heart to the pits of your stomach. I did miss him. However, I would be lying if I said that I still wasn't deeply hurt by what he did to me, he was my first betrayal; my biggest betrayal. The hurt which I constantly, frequently, continuously, repeatedly, regularly and will always mask with anger took over my temporary sadness.

"You haven't replaced him Lando. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit about him. You can't replace someone that you never and will never give a shit about, and he's that person for me. I hate him, and I always will."

My head, which was lowered as I ranted, lifted back up to look at my true best friend. Although this time my eyes managed to accidentally spot the persons eyes that I couldn't look into moments prior. Fuck.

Leclerc's adam's apple lowered, with his eyes unable to meet mine this time. Our ability to attract each others hatred and repel each others actions was something that definitely needed to be studied. He gripped his microphone as he sat down, his body refusing to even point in my direction, accompanied with a constant view of his side profile. Lando's eyes shut as he too realised at what just happened, "this shit can't get worse." he said.

Oh I reckoned it could.

Charles POV

I couldn't help but stare at her. Her spotting Lando and I should have caused me to leave immediately, but it didn't. Why?

However, she, Victoria, acted different and weird, well more than usual of course. Her behaviour was off and I knew something was up, but why? Tell me why Victoria, tell me why all these shit-spent years and we still haven't resolved what we had. Make eye contact with me. Please. Do you not care anymore?

The questions that I wanted to ask but truly couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, were never going to get out, but also weren't even important. The questions that I deeply thought of asking her only processed when she grabbed Lando and practically ran away.

Am I fucking missing something or what?

I never felt awkward with her in my life. But this is the first time in history that I felt a sense of awkwardness with her. This situation that involved her, Norris and I felt wrong. Perhaps I should say this situation, which somehow constantly involves that dickhead, somehow causes problems between her and I. Maybe he's the issue, but I doubt she's never fucking considered that. She's stupid for not considering it. She's just stupid in general.

My frustration led me to where I needed to go, with familiar tingles spreading throughout my arms. Nerves from seeing her again invaded my body, and I needed to get control of them as soon as possible because she couldn't see this, and she can't know that she does this; the only one that has done this.

My hands finally stopped shaking, which weren't even caused by anxiety of this media conference but just because of her. She made me nervous, god knows why, and what's worse is that I don't know if it's good or bad nerves, or if it's a mix.

The brunette hair in front of me was so distinctive. Everyone else in the world would say someone like this looked like any other girl, but not to me. The way her hair flowed over her shoulders seemed so familiar to me. The way every single strand of her hair laid with the perfect amount of volume. The way I remembered her teenage self being frustrated because she wanted to master her hair routine, and to see that my girl seemed to have finally done it weirdly made me smile. After every failed attempt I told her that she'd nail it one day, but it seemed that she did it after we stopped talking; the things I'd do to witness the happiness on her face the day she successfully pulled it off.

Her voice grew louder as I inched closer towards the sofa, "You haven't replaced him Lando. Quite frankly, I don't give a shit about him. You can't replace someone that you never and will never give a shit about, and he's that person for me. I hate him, and I always will."

The words that she just announced haunted my head.

She hates me? She will always hate me? I couldn't move, or talk, as if my body was paralysed. I stared at the wall that was ahead of me, realising that I was wrong, completely wrong. These positive thoughts that I had when reminiscing of her were just me feeling bad for her, when in reality I shouldn't have been. I pitied her and felt apologetic after I did her wrong, but now I've realised I don't give a shit about her. She deserved me taking 'her' seat, although it was never officially hers to begin with.

Well fucking game on Riley.

Writers note: hellooo everyone, sorry for the late updates. I am incredibly busy with work and so I hope you can understand when I take a little bit of time publishing these chapters. I hope everyone's enjoying the story :)

Fuck you Leclerc | Charles Leclercحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن