An Unfortunate Encounter

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Both Shoko and Gojo made it to the bakery just before it closed.

"Phew, just in time." Gojo sighed with relief as he entered the shop.

"Yeah, right." She followed along, glaring at him from behind. "And you made me drop my cigarette." She complained and sighed.

"Good. You shouldn't be smoking those cancer sticks anyways," he replied sarcastically as he walked in line. Then he turned his head over to her and smiled peacefully.

"You go have a seat, I'll get us our usuals."

"You're real excited, huh?" She smiled playfully as she took a seat at an empty table.

"Definitely," he mumbled to himself. Followed by a short chuckle. He retrieved his phone from his pocket once more and then began scrolling endlessly on it.

After a good 15 minute wait, he was finally up next in line.

"Next!" The exhausted sounding cashier shouted. "Ugh. It's you again, Satoru. The usual, I assume?"

"You know me so well, Iori." A grin began spread across his face. "Don't get too upset about the great news I'm about to share with you, by the way."

Her expression turned into pure disgust. Then her expression softened at the sight of Shoko in the background. Her attention shifted back towards Gojo and she raised an eyebrow.

"What's the good news?"

"Let's just say, you'll miss me when I'm gone."

Her expression turned into an excited smile.

"Oh? Where're you off to?" The excitement in her tone couldn't be hidden. Which caused Gojo to frown.

"Don't get too excited, Utahime. Shoko's coming too."

Her smile died and his regrew.

"Why're you leaving anyway? Is it for the same reason as before?"


"Hey! Are you guys done yet!? I'm trynna order!" A loud woman shouted from bebind him. The sudden loud noice startled him, but he did well at hiding it.
A long exaggerated sigh escapef his lips. Then he turned around, forcing a smile.

Mind your business, woman.

"My apologies ma-" he paused. His eyes widened as they recognized the woman who was once standing behind him. His toxic and abusive ex.


"No greetings? Satoru. It's been a while, hasn't it?" She grinned. "What's this talk about you leaving?"

"That's none of your concern." He reached into his pocket and then pulled of his phone. From there, he opened his phone's case slightly and pulled out a $100 bill.

"Keep the change, Iori." The bill was placed on the counter as he went to take his seat.

Utahime turned her attention over to Cathy. The disgusted expression returned to her face.

"What would you ike, ma'am?


Gojo took his seat across from Shoko. Then leaned onto his hand and stared out the window. This gesture along made it easy for Shoko to tell that something was wrong. Luckily for her, it was never difficult to get him talking.

"What's wrong? You seem gloomy again."

"Cathy. I just ran into her."

"Really? I thought she was issued to stay away from you. What happened to that restraining order?"

"Not everyone plays by the rules," he sighed heavily and then slouched in his seat. "I guess we can ignore her though. Since this'll be our last day anywhere near her or any of these people. I'm sure Utahime is gonna miss us." He closed his eyes and smiled to himself.

But that smile was short lived.

"Hey. You can't just walk off like that. I wanna know where you're off to."

Ugh, go away Cathy!

Cathy took a seat right next to Shoko. Practically shoving her against the wall and window. On purpose, of course.

"So, talk. I want to know the details," she smiled innocently.

That act alone irritated Gojo, and csused him to get up and snatch Cathy out of her seat.

"Get the fuck outta here already! Ieiri, let's go."

"What about the food?"

"Forget it. I lost my appetite." Shoko was grabbed by the wrist gently yet firmly, and was yanked out of the bakery.

In Shoko's head: But I was hungry.

Cathy giggled to herself as she stood up and brushed herself off.

"Fine then. Guess I'll be finding out myself." She took her phone out of her pocket and turned it on. Her eyes lingering on the exact farm they're going to.

Sorry that this was short, the next one will definitely be longer💫 (This took a while to post because I always read over everything to check for errors. Lemme know if you find any, please 🥲🙏🏽)

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