The letters

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For the past couple of weeks, Gojo began to seem more and more paranoid. Luckily, Shoko was always there to comfort him. This constant paranoia started making Geto feel uneasy as well. He became wary of buyers that often bought fresh items from his farm, and of course new consumers as well. Especially, this one woman in particular. She gave off a weird vibe, but he tried to ignore that feeling.

Each and everyday as he left the house early at dawn, Gojo was out on the porch  Sitting in the chair placed out front. Always with a new letter in hand. Geto tried asking for what it was for, but Gojo would either ignore him or rush back inside if Geto dared to approach him.

Soon, Geto had enough of his secrecy. So he devised a plan. 1) He'll question Gojo openly about them once more. If that doesn't work, then he'll move onto; 2) Gather the all the letters he can find while Gojo was asleep and then he'll read them. Afterwards, he'll wait for Gojo to wake up to confront him about the letters.


"This is all working out perfectly," Cathy giggled as she drove back home with Amelia. "You're a great photographer Amelia, I'll have you take pictures for our wedding."

Amelia giggled with her friend. "Thank you. I just wish we could see the look on his face when he saw a picture of himself sleeping. I can only imagine how scared he must be."

"Right!? Luckily its almost showtime. I can't stand being away from him for any longer!" She lowered her tone. "This final letter will have to be laced with a fine drug. First, we'll have to find a way to get it to him, without that idiot farmer picking it up first."

"I'm sure he'll get it quickly. Since that's what he's been doing this whole time. Speaking of him, I doubt that farmer can keep his mouth shut. But I'm certain Satoru knows better than to call the cops on you again."

"I guess you're right. Contact the dealer, qucikly. We'll give it to him tomorrow."

"On it!" Amelia began typing away at her phone.


When dinner was finally ready, Gojo took his food and went upstairs. As he had done all the previous nights before. Shoko sighed as she retrieved her food and sat at the table.

"Thanks again for everything, Geto. Hopefully Gojo will eventually give you his thanks as well."

The two girls sat on either side of Shoko. Over the past couple of weeks, the girls grew closer. However, their rivalry with Gojo continued. They didn't do anything, but they did express openly how much they don't like him. Especially, with his recent behavior.

"It's my pleasure," Geto smiled tiredly at Shoko. Then he looked towards the stairs. "I've been meaning to ask this for a while..What's wrong with Satoru lately? Just as we were beginning to bond, he suddenly distanced himself again. It all started a couple of weeks ago when he received a letter on the porch. Ever since then, he's been acting strangely."

Shoko was silent for a moment and then she looked towards the stairs. Then Geto looked over at her, along with the two girls.

"You know something..Don't you?" Mimiko said. Then Nanako followed suit.

"Tell Geto, please. We'll leave if it's private."

"Yes," Geto started; "It's best if you two head to your room now. We need to have a talk."

The two girls nodded and took their food upstairs with them, whispering amongst themselves. Geto then sat in the seat across from her.

"So then, explain. Please."

"Alright, but don't let Gojo know I told you anything."


She sighed, and began to speak.

"Those letters he's been getting are from his ex girlfriend, Cathy. She's the creepy stalker-ish type that's both psychically and psycologically abusive."

"How do you know it's from her? Couldn't it be an obsessed fan?"

"He didn't tell anyone where he'd be going when he left. The day we were leaving though, we did bump into her. And she asked him where he was going. By the way she acted, it seemed like she already knew."

"I see...Well, I'm going to talk to Satoru about this. And I'll leave out the details you told me about." Geto stood up from the table and went upstairs.

He went to the bedroom and tried opening the door. He sighed when he realized it was locked and knocked on the door gently.

"Satoru..The door. Remember what we talked about?"

"Go away. I'm busy right now."

Geto could hear Gojo shifting in the bed, and then there was silence.

"Satoru, I just want to talk."

"I'm listening," his voice was closer.

"Face to face. I'm worried about you."

Silence fell once more. And then Geto heard a sigh as well as the door unlock. Geto then opened the door slowly as Gojo went to sit on the bed. Geto then sat next to him.

"What was it you wanted to talk about?" Gojo stared out the window.

"Well...Your recent behavior. Is there something wrong? I know we're still strangers to one another, but I'd like to be there for you if you need me."

"How thoughtful. I'm fine though, just sick of this disgusting smell still," he turned towards Geto and flashed one of his signature fake smiles. "You really worry too much over nothing."

"Satoru," Geto took hold of Gojo's hand and continued, "I'm not an idiot. Just tell me already, please."

Gojo pulled his hand away aggressively and turned back towards the window. His smile had already dropped.

"It has nothing to do with you, so quit worrying."

Geto sighed heavily now.

"Saroru. Please tell me? I'll take you out for another treat if you do."

Gojo stood up now and went towards the closet. He opened it and from there, he pulled out his suitcase and opened it. He then sat down in front of it, and turned towards Geto and ushered him over with a hand.

"Hurry, before I change my mind."

Geto quickly got up and sat down next Gojo, peering into the suitcase. Which was filled with several pieces of paper waded up. The one that caught his attention however, was the picture of Gojo sleeping. With hearts drawn around him and a short message that read, "MINE".

"Satoru...who did this?" Geto already knew who, but he still acted as if he didn't for Shoko.

"Something tells me you already know, but this is from my ex. Out of all of them, she was the craziest. She even...," his voice trailed off as he stared at the photo of him sleeping.

"She even..?"

"Nevermind it. I won't go into details."

"I understand, feel free to tell me whenever you're ready." Geto stood up now and went over to the bed. Then he reached under it and grabbed a rifle. The gun was layed on the bed, and he dug in the drawer by his bed and pulled out a few bullets.

"You had that thing this whole time!? I'm surprised you didn't shoot us.."

"There was no need. Just by looking at you, I could tell that winning wouldn't be a struggle. Besides, it was up here when I confronted you both." He placed the bullets into the gun and turned the safety off of it.

Gojo frowned at the insult.

"We'll wait and see if they come back." Geto sat the side of the bed by the window and stared out of it. "You go ahead and sleep, I'll keep watch for you."

"You really don't need to do that...I'll be fine."

"I know I don't have to. But something inside me wants to protect you..So, consider it a need for now."
Man, they sure do talk a lot 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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