How you first met the critters [HCs]

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[requested by Calyinx]

Smiling critters universe


-He was the first to find you and your UFO, why? because you crashed right beside his house. 

-You almost vaporized him but he convinced you that he meant no harm so it's all good

-Introduces you to the other critters and you two hit it off from there


-You saw him napping and you were quite curious about him

-You tried to communicate with him but he kept on sleeping so you shot your vaporizer towards the nearest object and woke him up

-yeah you two didn't get along very well

-Surprisingly enough your the only critter who can catch him off guard because you don't really need you just stare at his sleeping body until he wakes up


-She wanted to talk to you but she was too shy to so she ended up just staring at you

-You noticed her staring and stuff you gone up to her yourself and started talking to her

-She was the one who made your little UFO pendant :3

-so uh, yeah after she gifted you that you two started getting along


-He was the least phased from the fact that you were an alien [in which you appreciate very much]

-Kickinchicken tried playing with your vaporizer and later got in trouble for accidentally hitting catnap's tail

-He played hard to get with you while you tried making friends with him

Bubba bubbaphant

-He was really fascinated by you, so get ready to be bombarded with questions.

-You didn't really like how he was asking so many questions, but when he tried inspecting your vaporizer was the last straw and you almost bit his arm off

-Dogday had to get you two to apologize to eachother, especially you

Hoppy hopscotch

-first thing she asked was if you liked any have no idea what the fuck a sport is

-She taught you how to play soccer and you ended up better than her and in return you taught her how to use a vaporizer and how to destroy everything that gets in her way

-You two became immediate best friends after that


-She was very friendly towards you

-The moment she offered you a plate of food and watched you eat the utensils, she felt flabbergasted but nervously laughed it off

-Somehow you two become friends after that

Bobby bearhug [i dont like her]

-You hated how touchy she was to you

-You thought she was trying to crush you from how tight her hugs were

-you two i guess eventually became friends but since your an alien and stuff and you dont know just telling bobby that you dont like being hugged so tightly, you threaten her with your vaporizer instead

Poppy playtime chapter 3 events


-Player was trying to solve some puzzle while you watched them just to get kidnapped by catnap

-He knew you from the very start and he found you interesting, its just that you were too busy with helping the workers with detecting dangerous areas for him to actually try and talk to you

-He was gonna use you to try and force player to worship the prototype but he ended up getting way too attached to you

-and now you have a clingy, possessive cat bf. I hope your proud of yourself


-You suggested you and player go back for dogday, in did

-Dogday felt clingy towards you in specific because before the hour of joy you and dogday would have short but sweet conversations

-also you stitched his legs back together with the help of player teehee

-yeah i guess you could say you two hit it off pretty well

I havent read an HC wattpad book in ages so if i did it wrong or anything like that then i'm so sorry eihfdbvjfseusidjcnbdviuewikdjanc

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