26. Ruin Our Friendship (Finn)

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Finn's pov

I stood in front of his door, as I did everyday, helmet in hand. Waiting for my sunshine.

The door flew open, and he stared back at me, breathing frantically, his light brown eyes darting haphazardly.

His lean frame covered by his baggy sweatshirt, made me want to scoop him up and never let him go. I tried to throw away my thoughts and focus on what he was saying.

"I'm sorry!" He breathed out. "Did you wait for long?"

I shook my head and we walked towards my bike. I proceeded to tug my helmet over his head, but paused when he flinched.

I dropped my hand and got on my bike. I knew I went overboard. Who wouldn't be creeped out?

He had been acting skittish around me since I gave him the sketches yesterday. He must've thought I made them all specifically for his birthday.

But I'd been drawing him every time I fell in love with him.

We got to school, and he seemed more than eager to get away. I didn't protest as he left, but I'd be lying if I said my heart wasn't hurting.

I stared at him from my locker, and I locked eyes with his big friend, who seemed a little too excited to be falling on top of Sebastian.

I scowled at him, and he slowly got off of Sebastian. He had noticed too.

It seemed like everybody except Sebastian had noticed.

Although the gifts I'd given him yesterday should've been an obvious hint, it seemed that Sebastian simply didn't get hints.

I'd convinced myself I was overthinking after I saw him dancing with the cactus in his bedroom. But it seems I wasn't overthinking.

I spent my day as I usually did, doodling around in my notebook with abstract sketches of him, waiting for when I'd see him next.

He was talking and laughing with everyone except me. Which hurt, because I thought he might've at least seen me as a close friend, even if nothing more.

He spoke to Anna, who turned different shades of red every time they were within five feet of each other. She was hopeless, he was oblivious.

Much like me, currently.

But the person who ticked me off even more was Ryan. He seemed too perfect. It irked me. Doesn't help that Sebastian seemed especially fond of him. He just seemed like...someone who Sebastian would crush on.

I frowned at the thought.

I didn't tear my eyes off of him for even a second the entire lunch break. Theo and Jenny threw me not-so-concealed glances, but not Sebastian.

I watched as he threw his head back and laughed at something. Without realising, I was smiling too. I was completely, utterly and hopelessly smitten with him.

His feathery light brown hair matched his eyes so well. He was not just pretty, he was beautiful. Like an art piece.

I thought he looked prettiest when he smiled wide, talking about something he was excited about. And when the sun hit his face in the right angles, he looked ethereal.

It seemed like I'd have to get used to admiring him from afar though, because we even went home in silence, and he ran off before I could get a word in.

After an entire week passed by in this exact manner, I'd just about had enough.

I watched as Theo and Sebastian walked away from their lunch table. The moment they were out of sight, I decided to get up and make my way to Jenny.

But before I even left my seat, she stormed towards me and sat across from me. I raised an eyebrow, curious.



"You like him."

I stared at her. She stared at me.

There really was no use lying.


She sighed and rubbed her temples. It seemed she had the same thought I had.

"Why is he avoiding me?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I wish I could tell you, but I doubt anyone except Seb himself knows."

I grumbled in dissapointment, but she wasn't done yet.

"However...what I can tell you, is that Seb is always extremely in denial." She nodded to herself.

"He will keep running away until he can't anymore. He doesn't know it, he does it without realising."

She tilted her head slightly, as though debating whether to tell me or not.

"The reason he's a bit iffy is because his last relationship was..." she cringed slightly before continuing, "A trainwreck. Disaster. Bad."

I processed this new information. Interesting.

She slammed her hands on the table suddenly. "Listen to me, Finn."

I leaned in, nodding eagerly.

"He's an idiot. A massive idiot. He's not going to pick up on anything even if it slaps him right in the face. Which is why, if you want to know, you need to ask him. And don't let him run away this time."

I thought over her words the entire ride home. She had known him for years, so she would've observed a lot about Sebastian. I tried to find the words to approach the conversation when Sebastian got off, but once again, he raced away.

And I was left behind, words stuck in my throat, once again.


I looked at my clock.

7:00 p.m.

I looked at my window. Sebastian had his curtains shut. He always did, these days. It was like he wanted to shut me out.

I closed my eyes and willed myself not to cry. I was trying to keep my spirits up all this while, but I really really liked him.

I thought he might've felt something for me too, the way he looked at me sometimes. But I guess I was wrong.

I looked at his window hopelessly, like a fool. I was afraid, afraid of saying something, in fear of ruining our friendship.

But our friendship was already fading away, wasn't it?

How much more did I have to lose?

I got off my bed, determined. I might be making a huge mistake, but it was killing me inside. I needed to know.

I fixed my gaze on his window, although all I could see were the shut curtains. I dialled his number, it was at the top of my favourites.

I stared at the screen as it rang. Sebastian <3. It flashed on the screen.

I waited, and waited, my heart dropping lower and lower by the second.

And at the very last moment, he picked up.


I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. His voice tugged on my heartstrings. I missed him.

"Sebastian. Can we talk?"

There was silence on the other end for a few moments, before he spoke up again, stumbling over his words.

"Sorry, I- I can't. I'm busy."

And with that, he hung up.

I clutched my phone a little tighter.

I'm not going to let you run away this time, Sebastian.

We reached 100k reads!!! I never imagined this book would ever reach such a milestone, because I was averaging about 10 reads per chapter for months.

Thank you all so so much, I love y'all <33

And the next chapter will have the long awaited scene ;)

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