31. Insecurities (Finn)

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Finn's pov

Getting into the volleyball team was a breeze, since Reynolds has a good impression of me already.

I walked out of school, smiling at the thought of seeing Sebastian. I was so gone for him.

My good mood was destroyed in a second when I heard that annoying voice.

"Well, if it isn't our loverboy"

I tried to keep the annoyance out of my voice and turned to look at his ugly face.


He twirled around a cigarette in his hand. "Got real riled up the last time, eh?"

Ignore him, Finn. Just walk away.

"He's a pretty little thing, isn't he? Caught my eye too."

I froze. I clenched my jaw. Was he talking about...?

He sighed loudly. "Seems like I was a little too late though."

My eye twitched. I was trying really hard to not punch him in the face.

He smirked at my reaction. "Don't worry. I'm not really interested in him. He just had a pretty face."

He twirled his pointer finger around in the air, finally pointing at me.

"It's you I've got beef with."

I glared at him. "I still don't know what your problem is."

It was true. We were never very close, but one random day when we were 13 or so, he decided I was the worst thing to exist.

He scoffed. "Don't act stupid. You always take what I like and ruin everything."

I rolled my eyes. What was that even supposed to mean? And if I remember correctly, he was the one who fucked things up with our friends before. But that's a story for another time.

I just wanted to get this asshole off my back and get home to Sebastian. He'd make it all better.

I turned around and started to walk away.

"Do you actually think he likes you?"

I stopped dead in my tracks. He really knew to hit where it hurt.

I gritted my teeth. "Leave me alone."

He made a noise of dissapointment. "I thought you knew better than that, Finn. He doesn't actually like you, although you seem to be head over heels for him."

I took slow breaths, repeating the words to myself. Sebastian loves me. I won't believe the lies Ben is spitting out.

I took a deep breath and took another step away from him.

"You don't believe me."

Another step. Almost there.

"You know how he had come over to Ryan's the other day?"

My foot wouldn't move. My heart seemed to pound in my chest. I wanted to walk away, but I was also itching to know what he was going to say.

"I thought he was cute, and tried to hit on him. Hell, I asked him who he wanted to date."

My breathing stopped.

"You know what he said, Finn?"

I turned around slowly, hearing my heartbeat ringing in my ears.

Ben gave me a sick smile.

"He said Ryan. He said he'd pick Ryan, Finn."

I didn't say a word. I simply stood there.

Finn (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now