Chapter 6

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It's been probably 2 hours of me breaking down, im still on edge and very much not stable but i realised that breaking down isnt going to solve anything. I need a plan.

First i decide to check the windows and door, of course they're locked.

This is nearly enough to send me spiralling again but i keep collected. I need a level head in order to actually help myself.

Ok, I have no Idea where I am, all i know is Ive been turned into a vampire and I'm in a manor. I need more information than this in order to formulate a plan. I need to ask someone questions but who..?

I think back to the brothers, the youngest one seems the kindest. Wait, if vampires can't have kids that means the brothers have also gone through what i have, maybe they'll have a little more sympathy especially the younger one.

So heres my plan, crying isnt going to get me anywhere, I need to talk to the youngest brother and gather as much information as possible this is step one. Once i gather as much information as i can, the next step will become more clear.

I sit on the bed waiting, Julian said he'd come back.

Julian enters the room, I'm sat huddled into my knees on the bed, I look up when i hear the door open and stare at Julian cautiously. "You seem much calmer now" he states.

I don't say anything back.

"Do you want something to eat? You must be hungry, baby bats need a lot to eat." He asks. What's with this stupid nickname? I simply shake my head not wanting to eat, I have no appetite, who would in a situation like this.

"Don't want to talk?" Julian asks.

I don't answer instead i say "Where are your sons?"

"They're in their bedrooms, I decided it was best if i introduced you to them properly one at a time, considering your state, it'd be less stressful." He says.

"I only want to meet your youngest son for now" I say

"Why?" He asks.

"He's the least intimidating, don't you want me to have a bond with my new brother?" I say trying to convince him to let me talk to the youngest brother.

"Okay i understand, I'm glad you're trying to accept this. See when you listen to me i'm a lot nicer and more lenient, learn little bat." Julian says with a grin.

I internally roll my eyes and nod.

He then leaves the room and returns with the youngest son. "I'll give you two some time to bond" he says and exits the room.

I examine the boy, he also has grown taller, has fangs and wings but no where near as prominent as Julians, he looks as giddy as a little kid on Christmas.

"Hi, i'm Leo if you don't remember. I'm the youngest brother but not the youngest sibling anymore now that you're here, thank god" He laughs.

"Hi" I say simply, he sure talks a lot, this is good though he will give me a lot of information.

"Awww you're so cute, I'm so glad you're here, all the other brothers are close in age whereas im closer in age with you!" He says happily.

"Oh, is that so, How old are you?" I start off with the small talk.

"50" he says

50 what does he mean 50 he looks about 19.

"50??? We aren't close in age"

"We are compared to the other siblings and papa is 10,540"

I look at him bewildered, he must be stupid or something because that's impossible.

"Oh I forgot humans aren't aware of this. Vampires are immortal we live forever. Believe it or not I'm a really young vampire, I'm a kid here in the vampire realm"

This is a lot to process.. immortal but wait hey, he said vampire realm. So thats where we are oh no this is harder than i thought, we're in a whole different realm.

Now i need to figure out how to get to other realms.

"So if 50 is a kid here.. what would that make me an embryo?" I joke with him. I need him to trust me as much as i can get him to so i can get more information.

Leo laughs "essentially, yes. The youngest a vampire can be turned is 17, you're a baby bat"

So thats why Julian keeps referring to me as baby bat.

I decide to just go for it and straight up ask the question, if it goes wrong ill get it from a different brother.

"So, asking for a friend ahaha, how would one get back to the human realm?" I say as a joke again.

"Through the portal, it's about 30 minutes away from here." leo replies seriously.

Does he know what he's just done.. is this guy dumb?

"Oh ok." I state internally smiling

"No, I'm not stupid and yes i know its not for a friend. You want to escape, you want to go back, but you can't. Believe me I tried, you'll eventually learn to love it here, you have 4 new awesome brothers and a father."

"You musn't have tried hard enough" I challenge.

Leo sighs "Vampires that aren't at the legal age cannot go through the portal without a guardian."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"In order to go through the portal you must scan your ID, plus it is heavily guarded and it is insanely obvious that you're a baby bat, you dont even have your wings or fangs yet." Leo says.

Ok so i can't get through the portal until im legal, thats in like 3 months.. i can cope that long. Wait a second if 50 is still classified as a kid here.... Does that mean-

"The legal age is 1000" Leo says simply.

This is enough to almost make me break down again but i keep my cool i still need more information.

So, we're in the vampire realm, in a castle, the portal is 30 minutes away however you need an ID to get through the portal, i'll need to have a disguise as im technically underaged here. Finally all i need to know now is how to turn back human.

"How does one turn back human?" I ask Leo.

"You can't, it's not possible." He says sadly.

"There has to be a way" I say trying to be optimistic, he must be lying.

"There seriously isn't, i've done all the research I thought i was being lied to as well. Elowynn look, its easier to just conform, you will eventually so just save yourself the struggle." Leo says sympathetically.

No. No. And my second breakdown of the day begins.

Leo wraps his arms around me trying to comfort me and once again i fight i hit i scream. Again, it wouldve been cute if it was a brother comforting his sister.

But it's not.

Leo exits the room and im left alone once again in the locked room.

ElowynnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ