Chapter 23

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I walk in to the class, once again I head towards the back and take a seat there. I guess I didn't notice before because the twins came and sat by me but now i've realised that there was a reason why there were spare seats next to me for the twins to take. No one seems to want to sit next to me, they kind of just whisper and stare.

The class gets fuller until eventually every seat is full except from the one next to me, of course. Just when I thought everyone was here another person walks in, he has dark hair and eyes, and his face shows he would rather be anywhere than here.

Same, dude.

He looks around the classroom and sees the only spare seat is next to me, he scowls but nonetheless still approaches the seat and sits in it begrudgingly.

"Okay class, since today is the first day we will be doing icebreakers! You guys better know the people you will most likely spend your entire school experience with." The teacher says happily. Ugh. He's one of those teachers that are always TOO happy about everything. "So first we will go around the room and say our name and favourite animal. I'll go first, my name is Mr smith and my favourite animal is a dog." He adds with the same sickly happiness. Ugh this is so stupid and useless.

We go all around the room and finally it gets to the boy sat next to me. He deeply sighs and rolls his eyes "Arlo Rellis, snakes" he says in the most unenthusiastic voice ever.

Ok mr moody.

Next its my turn, I also would rather be anywhere but here but I'm not going to be rude. "Elowynn Reyes and I like red pandas" I say. This starts off whispers again, weirdos.

"Okay, well done class. The next Icebreaker will be interview buddies! You will interview the person next to you and then at the end of class you will share what you learnt about your partner to the class!!  Here is the sheet." He says as he passes around a sheet with questions to ask the partner. Oh god.

I look at the sheet and the first question is 'how old is your partner?'
I turn and look at who I now know to be called Arlo, he's just sat there twirling his pen clearly not wanting to partake. I don't want to either but it'd be more embarrassing not having anything to share with the class later on.

"Hey um for the first question, how old are you?" I ask him awkwardly.

He just looks at me and scowls and then looks away.

Okay then.

"Heyyyy how old are you??" I ask again, maybe he didn't hear me.

"Jeez take a hint or something!" He says angrily to me.

Why's this guy have such an attitude, it's not like I'm the one forcing him to be here. "We have an interview to do." I say simply, I don't want drama on my first day.

"Does it look like I care? Just shut up." He says.

"Listen, I don't want to be here either. I'd rather be anywhere else than stuck here trying to interview a prick, but here we are. I'd like to have something to say when it's my turn to present I don't care if you don't want to ask me questions just answer mine." I say with as much attitude has he has given me.

He looks at me "Who the fuck do you think you are?" he asks me fuming.

"Elowynn." I reply smartly.

"You think cause you're the princess you can talk to me like that and make me do this stupid interview? News flash not happening." He rants.

Jeez what a prick, whatever i'll just write down fake answers to the questions. I turn away and don't say anything, I then pick up my pen and begin writing my answers.

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