Chapter 22: The Battle Of Demon And Retaking The Minaisa District

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Date: 6 January 1946/1646

At the Dome, inside, Was The Squad under The Platoon Squad, John. Also, With The Mercanary, Gai and Knight Order of Topa Kingdom, Moah was there as they lead the Squad through the Stair of the Dome. A Sudden Crack of the Handheld Radio with the Voice was Talking from the Other Side.

Radio: This is Third Squad, Over, We have take down the Red Orge, The target have been Neutralize. We are now Approaching the Plaza. We on the Move now.

John: This is Diversion Squad of the Platoon Leader, Well Done, The Squad Will Ascend from the Sewer and out into the Plaza. We will head in to save the Survivors. Platoon Leader Out!

Radio: Third Squad, Out!

The Handheld Radio was Put Away and into his Belt and Clip it. As He Take his Thompson at the Ground as they Move upward. They suddenly outside the Entrance of the Dome as they Take Cover before John Peek Out together with Gai and Moah.

John: It seem, There are Six Goblin on the Vacinity. You Two Move IP Here and Kill them. Spot any sign of the Blue Orge in the Vacinity!

John point at the Two German Soldier with their STG 44 in Hand as they came up and out of the Open. As, They aiming their STG 44 at the Six Goblin that is Walking around the Plaza. With, A Few Shot been Firing, The Goblins Got shot from the Two German Soldier with their STG 44.

German Soldier: The Plaza is Clear! No sign of the Blue Orge. Just those Six Goblins that Walking on the Plaza.

John: Well, It couldn't be done then. Let move out!

All the Squad head to the Main Plaza and Came toward a Double Door.

John: Clear Position!

John then Kick Open the Door as the Door Open with the Loud Bang that Startled the People inside. But, The Goblins inside have yet to Noticed and was Busy what they were doing to Even hear the Door been Open. As, The Door Open, The Troops Came in with Their Weapons in Hand taking in Position to Check if there is Any Goblins in Sight. Then, Gai and Moah came in After as Both look at the Hopeful Face of the People that been Captived for how long there are.

Then, Moah Begin to Instructed to the People about the Situation they are in and Yelling to Let them know about their Arrival.

Moah: We are from Topa Knight Order, We have came to your Aid! Please, Remain Calm and Don't Panic, Also Stay Put on your Place!

While, Moah doing his Thing and Telling to the People that Been Captived. Gai is Looking around for any sign about His friend that been Captived here. The American, German and British are starting to Sweep up the Area Since the Place is Unclear of How Many of the Goblins that was still Here. While, Also They helping the People by Cutting their Ties Hand Up and Freeing them. For, Gai, He Looking around For awhile and Also Yell to find where his Friend is.

Gai: Elei! Where are you! Are You alright!? Please, Answer me! I came to help...... Elei!

Then, He caught something in the Corner of his Eyes. A Group of Goblins that is Tying a Girl in a Thin and Long Stick that is Carrying the People in the Great Hall to the Area, Where the Démon Lord was Reside. The Girl is his Friend Elei who now been Tying to the Long and Thin Stick.

As, He see it, His Blood run Cold by the Scene in Front of him. Then, In Anger, Gai unsheath his Sword from his Scabbard and Run Forward before Slicing the Goblin in Half.

Gai: You Dirty Goblin! Get away from her!

Gai then Slice another Goblin that is Near Elei in Half before Stabbing another one on it Right. He then Stab another one in the Abdomen of the Goblin killing it. The One at the End of the Stick Saw it and Drop the Stick down Before taking the Club in Armed Before Lunges Forward with another Three More coming From Gai Back as They Lunges Forward. Gai React to the Front one as he Stab it in the Head and Killing it But Turning around as He Know that it too Late to React to them coming toward Him.

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