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Alexis's pov

Matt came back downstairs as I just stood in the living room.

When I woke up again at around 6pm I guess, I saw matt waiting for me. He helped me organise the new stuff that we brought and then we were just kinda playing around.

I took his phone when there was a sudden notification and he seemed nervous,

That's how he started to chase me. Yet I was still holding onto it.

I gave him his phone back, "you do know that your phone is locked and I can't read your notifications?" I asked him as I chuckled a bit,

"I do know that, I just wanted to play with you" he smiled as he took back his phone and kept it in his pocket, "hungry?" He asked me,

I shook my head. I wanted to ask why logan called but I guess that would be too personal.

"Okay" matt smiled and we walked back to my room.

My room was upstairs, down the hall. It was between a guest room and Logan's room.

We walked inside and sat down on the desk. Matt started teaching me about my phone and and after that, he taught me some stuff from the school books. The basic concepts. As he said.

It was soon late night and time for dinner.

Time passes quick, alec knocked on my door, he was a bit surprised seeing matt and I together but the didn't let it show. "Dinner's ready, c'mon" alec called for us before leaving.

"I'm really not hungry" I turned to matt,

"Alexis, please? You didn't eat anything for breakfast either and for lunch you had coke" he spoke softly as he shut the books.

"Fine" I mumbled softly as we walked downstairs together.

Everyone was already there, waiting for us.

I sat in my usual seat, between Harry and logan.

Harry pulled out the chair for me and pushed it back inside for me, "thanks" I mumbled to him,

My gaze was on the table. And everyone was looking at me.

God, does no one realise how weird it feels to me?

The dinner is soon served and to be honest, I have no idea what this is.

I pick up my fork as everyone started.

I began to eat and honestly, it tasted so damn good. Although I had some trouble gulping it down, I took small bites.

After finishing I placed the fork down, everyone was already finished.

We all stood up. Everyone started to head out while Alec and I stood near the staircase,

"They are just going out for some work, do you wanna hang out? Maybe watch a movie? It's just us tonight" he smiled softly as we walked upstairs,

"Actually... I'm really sleepy. I'm sorry, Alec. I promise to hang out with you tomorrow" I turned to him, he nodded and bid me a goodnight.

We went to our rooms and I locked my door.

I took a deep breath as I turned on the lights and found Enzo sitting on my bed,

"Quite a mess you left me with" he spoke up, standing up,

"isn't cleaning fun?" I smiled, teasing him,

"Who was he?" He asked, his tone was serious,

"No idea" I replied as I walked towards my wardrobe,

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