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All the classes finally ended. I was with Alec for most of my classes and we hung around the hallways as I saw matt running around the campus.

I bid amy a goodbye after getting her phone number. She started walking away from the school while I looked for alec.

I spent almost 5 minutes looking for them before giving up and sighing, I approached a random guy, "have you seen a guy? About this tall-" I indicated with my hands of how tall alec is,

"Are you asking for your brother?" The guy replied in a stern voice to which I nodded,

He looked at me for a couple of seconds before replying, "he's behind the school, you want me to take you?"

Walking into an alleyway with a total stranger? I'm getting deja Vu from when I first met jack.

But whatever, I'm strong now.

I nodded, he looked a bit surprised but then started walking away and I followed him.

As I followed him into a narrow alleyway, he suddenly came to a stop and I bumped into him.

He was quite tall, "ergh, sorry" I muttered, rubbing my forehead before he moved aside.

Matt and alec looked at me with their eyes widened.

Matt was holding a guy's collar and bending to his eyes level as the guy sat on the ground with a ton of bruises. Are my brother bullying another fellow student? Another student was laying on the ground beside them.

"School ended" I shrugged softly, my face nonchalant as they continued to look at me surprised.

Matt dropped the collar of the guy and he fell back, hitting his head on another guy's lap.

The guy who helped me find them looked amused.

"Can we go home?" I looked at them confused, completely ignoring the fact that matt has blood on his knuckles,

"It's not what it looked like-" matt spoke up but Alec jumped in between,

"Yes, of course. Let's head home" Alec smiled as he walked towards me, blocking so I couldnt see matt and put his arm around me, getting in between of me and the guy who brought me here

Turning me away from matt, he walked me out as the guy followed us.

I guess matt had to clean up before coming with us.

The guy seemed confused as we all kept silent.

"I was expecting a better reaction" he chuckled and scoffed as he walked away from us.

Matt catched us from behind after a few seconds and we all headed to the car.

Matt sat in the backseat with me while Alec sat in the front. It was very awkward until Matt leaned closer to me,

"It's not what it looked like" he spoke softly, worried.

"It's fine" I mumbled, looking out the window. If anything, I wanted to join you. But I wonder why he was beating them up while Alec stood behind matt.

"How did you know that guy?" Matt asked, his tone was a bit bitter now,

"I don't, I just randomly asked if he knew where you were" I replied.

Soon we reached the house.

We all walked inside and the house felt so empty and lifeless.

We all went to our own rooms, it was still very awkward.

I walked into the bathroom and locked it. I took of my sweater and looked at my torso. So purple.

It hurts like fucking hell. I applied some cream and bandaged it up while softly grunting in pain.

It took a while to take a proper deep breath.

I wore my sweater again and headed outside the bathroom.

I checked the time on my phone, it was 4:15.

I took a really deep breath before unpacking my bag and doing my homework. I had alot of incomplete work as I kinda joined in the middle of the session.

After a while I heard a knock on my door, it was 5pm.

I walked to the door and opened it to see Enzo and Alec. My heartbeat fastened.

I stood still, gulping softly. Did he get caught?

"Hey" alec smiled, "this is Enzo, my friend." He continued, my heartbeat got normal.

Rightt, I forgot he's an assassin working for them.

"Alexis" I smiled softly, to which he nodded.

"Wanna hang out?" Alec asked, hopefully.

I had been blowing him off for a while so I nodded, he smiled brightly.

I walked outside my room and we three walked down together. I followed them into alec's room.

His room was well decorated, covered with posters of musicians and some guys dressed in red with cars.

"So what's on your mind?" I asked,

"Nothing" Alec admited as he chuckled and sat on his bed.

Enzo stood beside me,

"Let's.. watch a movie?" Enzo suggested to which we both nodded.

Alex got off from the bed and we both followed him to another room with a big tv and comfortable seats, a mini theatre! I knew what it was because I read about it in my English class.

"What do you wanna watch?" Alec turned towards me,

"Anything works" I mumbled, I haven't watched any of them. Except that rat one, where he cooks.

I was so confused throughout the film when I watched it with jack.

Alec clicked on some film and we watched it. Alec sat between me and Enzo, I rested my head on his shoulder when I realised I was getting tired and sleepy.

It wasn't long before I fell asleep on his shoulder.

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