461 15 2

Miami, Florida
Nairari Burns

I've been getting death threats lately and in order to keep Isaiah safe,I had to let him stay with Miriam for a bit until I get everything under control. Everytime I block a new account on Instagram another one is made by the same person telling me to watch my back and stay away from Jakari. I was on the phone with Jakari.

"I'm getting worried Jakari,she keeps making a new account every time with the same death threats " I sighed as I cleaned up my kitchen

"Are your doors locked?" Jakari asked

"Yes they are and the security alarm is on and so are the camera's,I just don't feel safe in my own home anymore" I bit my lip

"Don't answer the door to anyone,even if you feel like it's someone you know" Jakari sighed

"Alright,I gotta go now,my phone is about to die and you know I don't like using it as it charges" I smiled.

"Alright,I'll call you later then" Jakari smiled and he cut the call and I went to put my phone on the charger and there was a knock at the door but I ignored it.

The person kept knocking repeatedly and I was hesitant to go check it but I ended up going to see who it was,I walked slowly to the door with a knife in my hands and I stood at the door.

"Bitch I know your at the door so open it,or I will" I heard the voice say

"I ain't opening this door Tokyo ,I know what you wanna do" I yelled

"I don't have time to waste on you,so open the door and lemme sat what I wanna say then I'll leave" Tokyo laughed and I opened the door slowly and she kicked me in the leg making me fall down and the knife slip out of my hands

"You bitch" I gritted my teeth as I struggled to stand up

"Didn't your mother not tell you to open doors for strangers" Tokyo bent over and I spat in her face making her stumble backwards and I stood up and grabbed the knife that was next to her foot.

"Well at least I know how to deal with strangers who invade homes" I laughed  and she stood up and charged towards me making me kick her foot and she fell to the ground.

"Jakari chose a bitch with strength" Tokyo laughed as she stood up , she ran up to me to try and grab the knife from my hands but I ended up kicking her in the stomach and she fell backwards onto my couch ,I charged towards her and started throwing punches with my right hand as my left hand held the knife.

"You chose the wrong bitch to mess with Nairari" Tokyo spat as she grabbed my left arm and twisted it making me scream in agony and she pushed me off of her and onto the floor making me grip my arm.

"What do you want from me" I cried

"I want my man back and the money that he used on you that was supposed to me mine" Tokyo chuckled as she grabbed the knife from the couch and walked slowly towards me,I stood up with one hand and slowly walked backwards

"Then have him,if you want him so bad,but I'm not a stupid ass bitch to give up Jakari like that Tokyo,I'm not gonna let you use him for his money and I'm definitely not gonna let you kill me " I laughed

"You fucking bitchhhh" she yelled as she ran towards me but I dodged her and and pushed her through the glass doors that led to the balcony and we fell through and I started choking her as she struggled to pull my hair and I felt a sharp pain through my thigh. 8 screamed in pain and she pushed me off of her and she took the knife out of my thigh.

"Any last words" she chuckled as she held the knife above her head

"Bitch,fuck you" I spat and before she could Stab me again I heard 5 gunshots and her body fell lifeless next to mine.

"Nairariiii" Carter ran towards me and helped me up

"Call the ambulance" I whispered as I could feel myself losing alot of blood

"Stay with me Nairari" Carter huffed as he tapped my cheek.

"I can't keep my eyes open for too long" I cried as I fought for my life,the pain and the blood I was losing was too much,I felt my eyes get heavy and everything went black.

I heard machines beeping around me and I slowly opened my eyes to see Jakari sleeping on the hospital room couch and Miriam pacing back and forth,Carter was looking out the window.

"Where? Where am I?" I spoke softly and Miriam ran towards the bed and Jakari instantly woke up and Carter turned around.

"Nairari,oh my gosh,I'm glad your awake" Miriam sniffled as she held my hand

"Is she dead?" I asked about Tokyo

"Yes ,she is ,she's not here to hurt you anymore" Carter sighed

"What did the doctors say?" I asked

"They said the wound wasn't that deep but you did bleed alot, luckily Jakari was able to donate his blood since your the same blood type" Miriam explained

"You're gonna have to stay with me until your wound fully heals" Jakari smiled as he kissed my forehead

"I wanna get out of this hospital bed so bad" I huffed as I sat up

"You gotta rest mama" Jakari sighed

"But I wanna pee,and I'm hungry" I pouted and Miriam helped me out of bed and walked me to the bathroom to pee

"Does it hurt alot when you walk?" Miriam asked me as she closed the door behind her

"Not really,our family heals from wounds very quickly" I winced a bit as I peed.

"That's is true,by next week Friday your wound would have been completely healed" Miriam laughed and she helped me up and flashed the toilet for me.

"Who is Isaiah with?" I asked as I washed my hands.

"He's with Nique and Imani at Jakari's place with the rest of the people" Miriam smiled and we walked out of the bathroom.

"I got it from here" I smiled as I walked to the bed and got inside without wincing.

"We gonna get some food" Carter smiled as he tapped Miriam's shoulder and they immediately left , leaving me with Jakari.

"I shouldn't have opened the door after you told me not to" I pouted as I look out the window

"You wouldn't have known Nairari,it ain't your fault" Jakari sighed as he pulled my chin to look at him

"That bitch was crazy,a complete psychopath" I laughed

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that mama,I'm just glad it's all over now and your no longer in danger" Jakari smiled

"It's not your fault Jakari,I'm just glad I'm still alive" I smiled

"My back is hurting,I need to lie down" Jakari fake yawned and I slowly got off the bed

"Lay down then" I laughed and he laid down on the bed and I slowly got on top of him and laid my head on his chest as my right leg draped over his laps.

"Now this is comfortable" I smiled as I played with his beard

"You're so beautiful" Jakari smiled as he rubbed my back

"Thank you" I cheesed and we talked about other things as we waited for Carter and Miriam to come back with the food.

My heart was at ease knowing I ain't gotta worry about Tokyo and Tyrese anymore and I could live my life in peace with the people I love.







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