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Miami, Florida

Nairari was out with the girls since it's been long since they caught up with each other. Jakari had been so clingy to Nairari after sharing their first intimate moment.

"You are glowing" Melani smiled as they sat outside a cute cafe near the beach.

"Definitely got the D" Nique laughed

"You finally did the deed??" Aliyah asked in excitement

"She did,she just had to" Imani laughed

"Y'all are just being delusional" Miriam sighed

"Can we let her explain" Kehlani laughed

"Can ya'll calm down,damn lemme explain" Nairari laughed

"Go on,we need every single detail" Melani smiled

"Jakari and I had sex ,that's all you need to know and it was so amazing,like he definitely knows how to handle a woman" Nairari  explained

"Oh my gosh,oh my gosh,my girl finally got some action after a long ass time" Nique cheesed

"I'm happy for you " Melani smiled

"I've been talking with Omar for 3 months now and I still haven't gotten any action" Imani pouted.

"He needs to stop being childish,and he definitely has to stop talking to his ex girlfriend ,I don't need you heartbroken with a broken hymen" Nairari sighed

"He still talks to his ex?? That's crazy" Nique laughed

"I really love Omar but he has to stop acting like a child who can't live without his favourite toy,I'm the new woman in his life now and he has to act like it" Imani explained

"Gotta give him some time babes" Melani smiled

"You know what you should do, everytime y'all are together,you gotta act as if he isn't there and do you ,once you do that frequently,he is gonna know that he has been looking at the wrong with all this time whilst the right woman is right in front of him, play his game" Miriam told Imani

"And if he doesn't change ,I'll deal with him personally with Jakari" Nairari laughed

"Thank you guys,what would I do without y'all" Imani smiled

"We got you girl" Aliyah cheesed

The rest of the day was full of laughs and eating different foods from different restaurants. Meanwhile the boys were playing some basketball at Jakari's house.

"You are a giant ,I can barely even shoot a hoop " Khalil huffed as he tried getting past Jakari but he took the ball from him

"Your skills are horrible" Omar laughed making Khalil give him the middle finger

"Since we are talking about horribleness,you gotta stop treating Imani like shit" Khalil spoke up

"Woah woah woah,what do you mean treating her.like shit,I don't treat Imani like that" Omar defended himself

"You do my nigga,you act as if she's invisible and your so stuck to your ex,like do better" Khalil sighed

"I love Imani and I treat her like a lady,why you so up in my business" Omar sighed

"You really gotta stop talking to your ex Omar , your draining Imani ngl" Malik shrugged

"You see, everyone sees the way you treat her bruh" Khalil huffed

"You have to tell Delilah that,you have a new woman in your life and that y'all no longer need to be taking to each other,it ain't that hard" Jakari told Omar

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