Chapter 7

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Run. That was the only thing going through my head. Run. Run. Run…
I knew of my wound, knew how bad it was and how much blood was trailing down my ankle. I was aware of the hand around my waist, aware that someone was there helping. But who it was, I did not know. I couldn’t look, I had to focus on making my feet move. I had to focus on putting on foot in front of the other and walk, even though the pain in my leg was intense.
I was sure of one thing; these people were dangerous, and they didn’t want us here. They wanted us to leave and even if we tried to talk to them, they would never listen. So, I ran with the help of the person next to me. I had an idea of who, but I wasn’t sure.
I could see the silhouettes of Amilia and Mikhail running ahead of me. The farther we ran, the more I became aware of the sharp pain in my lower leg. I could feel the warm blood still dripping down it.
Ahead of us a large tower started to come into view. No. Not a tower. That would be an understatement. More like a castle. The castle was large and shaped like a spaceship with a sharp top on it. On both sides of were large buildings towering high above the clouds. They shoot straight up in the sky, the top of it stopping suddenly and went down in a small curve, and then went down again. It was grand with lots of detail, many carvings around it. There were vines growing up the side of it and a large window in the middle, going from the ground and stopping a little way away from the top of it, following the same shape and stopping in a point.
I run faster, if possible, with my slight limp. The person with me matches my pace. I was eager to find a safe space away from all the gun fire. We reached the doors, which were now open, and ran inside. I ran as fast as I could to one side of the doorway and grabbed a door, closing it as quickly as I can. The other door being closed by Koji, who I assumed was the person with me as we ran there.
As soon as both doors close, silence consumes the area. I slump backwards against the door trying to catch my breath. Amilia appears in front of me, as well as Mikhail.
“Are you okay? How’s your leg? Are you hurt anywhere else?” Amilia fusses over me like a mother whose child was just in a fight.
“Me? What about you? You were screaming your lungs out earlier!” I chastise.
“She’s fine. No wounds except for the small cut on her cheek, which has already stopped bleeding. Although I’m not sure about mentally. But I think Ami is asking you if your hurt Physically.” Mikhail corrects.
“I’m fine Ami.” I roll my eyes.
“Does anyone know where we are?” Shin asks from the corner he’s in. Koji is standing next to him, Shin clearly fussing over him the same way Ami was.
“We’re clearly nowhere near home,” I answer, “I don’t even know if we’re on Earth anymore. This place is clearly more alive with plants and living things. Earth isn’t like that. It’s a wasteland. The only plants we have are trees that are grown in Garrison bases to pump air throughout the domes so people can live.”
“Plus, those flowers in the field out there aren’t any plants that were ever native to Earth. We have no such things like them there.” Koji chimes in
Mikhail quickly adds on, “And even then, if they were, those people who were shooting us aren’t any force that we have. And did you see what they were wearing? Cause whatever it is that the armor is made of, it’s clearly not a resource we have on Earth.”
“And not to mention what they flew in on. That’s not a space craft that we have. It’s not like the one’s at the Garrison.” Amilia finishes.
“That’s because they aren’t from earth.” Shin mutters darkly. We all look at him in surprise.
After realizing that we eventually decided to look around this mysterious castle that we’d taken refuge in. I decided to go down a long hallway on the right, whereas Koji and Shin went to the left. Mikhail and Amilia went up the stair straight ahead of us. The first thing I decided to look for was the bathroom so that I could wash my cut and maybe find a first aid kit.
While I walk down the hallway, I try opening every door I come by. Most were locked. The ones that weren’t were just rooms with a bed in the corner and a small dresser. The hallway has warm grey floors and white walls. The walls have small alcoves where each door sits and trailing along the top of the wall on both sides is 2 long white pipe looking things that are attached to the wall. Every once in a while, there is a turn, which I don’t take, or a small area to sit down, which I don’t see as needed, making the place look cozier than it was. The ceiling has squares with lights along the sides of it and a grate-looking pattern and a cross type of line cutting it into four pieces. Theres a small part of ceiling that makes the squares look disconnected. At the end of the hall is a brown double door with a diamond window that is glowing white. There is a brown trim around the diamond and the rest of the door that isn’t trimmed in brown is also white and glowing. The edge of the door and the outline of the diamond being the only brown part of the door.
When I reach it, I quickly grab the handle, anticipation running through my veins. This door wasn’t like all the others, it was big and important looking whereas all the other ones were plain brown and not much to look at. I push it open and peer inside. This room is large, and dome shaped. There is a circular table in the middle, which takes up around half of the room. On one side of the room there is a row of counters with shelves above them. The counters all have drawers in them, one having a dishwasher looking pull out and another has a cook top, and they are all white. The shelves have lots of things I’ve never heard of, and some weren’t even in the same language. They sat in a very messy and unorganized way on the shelf, seeming as if it had no pattern. The circular table in the middle has 10 chairs spaced evenly around and in the middle of it is a cylinder pillar with small cutouts for things to be placed in. Each seat had a small cubby under it, giving the idea that the same person sits in the same spot at every meal. There are plates and silverware sat on the table in front of each chair and a placemat under each of them, all of them ranging from white to black.
On the opposite side of the room is a large window that goes from one side of the room to the other, making the room seem larger than it really was as light bounced around it, the natural light making it seem as if it was glowing. The kitchen held a golden haze as the sun set. Under the table there are lights going all the way around, and some going around the top of the cylinder pillar in the middle, each glowing a dim white color.
“Kaydie! Kaydie, where are you? We found something you might want to see!” I hear Ami’s voice echo down the hall. Taking one last glance around the room, my eyes lingering on the grounds outside the windows, I run out the door meeting Amilia out there.
I run up to her, “What is it?”
She gestures for me to follow her, and she runs down the hall, me trailing a little behind her. She leads me down the hall I had traveled down and up the stairs and through a large open room, looking slightly like a ballroom. In the middle of the room is a large crescent moon. We ran out the doors on the other side of the room and down a long winding path, going too fast for me to remember the pattern or which way we went. She leads me to a room where all the others are gathered around something that I can’t see from where I am.
This room, which follows a similar look as the hallway and kitchen, although with more of an open feeling. The walls, which were white with lights going all the way around, had odd-shaped symbols scattered around, some of them repeating. Along the wall are 4 or 5 odd-looking domes with a window on the upper half of it and the lower half being grey. There are tubes coming out of the side of each that connect to the wall. I walk over to where everyone is crowded around something. There are more pods on this side. Most of them are also laying down, except for two, which is the ones that everyone is circling around. I shove myself in between Shinagre and Koji. The bods, which are glowing making the people inside barely able to be seen, whereas all the others just look see through. Although I couldn’t see them, I could slightly make out some of there features. The person on the right has a slightly diamond shaped head and long flowing hair that is pulled back in a long braid. This person, which I’m assuming is a girl, is wearing loose, poofy sleeves that go down to half way down her arms. Her skirt, which goes just below her knees, is slightly loose, and her corset is tight around her middle. It has a flowery pattern on it. The top of her shirt has a square-shaped cut on her chest.
Whereas the person on the left, who has platinum blonde hair that stops just above his ears. He seems to be wearing a high-necked shirt with a swirling pattern near the neck area and buttons going down the shirt. He has on a cloak that is hooked in the front in a triangle shape and has a layer under it that loops around his lower arm. There’s also a fabric-looking belt around her lower abdomen that has a small tie on the side with pieces hanging down. The cape goes down near his ankles and his pants, which are loose and folded in a cross pattern at the bottom, are sitting just on a pair of boots. Although it was hard to make out colors, it was easy to tell that he had some black on, specifically his pants and shoes.
“Are they ok?” Shin asks with a skeptical look on his face.
“Should we try and find a way to open these things? They could give us some information on where we are and maybe get us home.” I think aloud, pushing my round glasses up my nose.
“How can we tell if we can trust them though…” Koji adds to my thought.
“And what if they don’t know where we are?” Ami asks quietly.
“Well,” Mikhail say walking up to the one with the girl on it and leaning against it, facing all of us, “We could always try and---”
The pod slowly lowers into the ground and opens. The girl opened her eyes.
Hey guys! Sorry for such a long wait for the next chapter I was having trouble deciding on how to write this one!

I think I mentioned this in the last chapter but I will say it again, I did change how I was spelling Kaydie's name. At first it was Katie but it is now Kaydie. It is still Katie in earlier chapters but from now on it will be spelled as Kaydie.

And as always, if you have any suggestions or ideas on how I can improve this story, please don't be sacred to comment and tell me!!

Thank you for reading my story!!!

The Forge of Legendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن