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"I'm sure you all saw the announcement that went out yesterday," Major Chaka said as she stood in front of the AGC with her students. Nods and small "Yes, ma'am"s went through the group as the students confirmed the instructor's statement.

"Are there any questions about the JV games or the tryouts?" Chaka inquired before adding, "Instructor Chase is running a bit late today, and we can't start training in the AGC until he arrives, so we have the time to discuss the JV games if you would like to know more."

An arm shot straight up in immediate response to Major Chaka's offer. Motioning to the student with his hand up, Chaka asked, "Yes, Brix, what's your question?"

Receiving a 'go' from the major, Brix lowered his hand before asking, "What exactly are the JV games, Major Chaka?"

Several students' jaws dropped in shock. How did Brix not know of the JV games?? From his interactions with classmates, everyone knew Brix's goal in life was to win a varsity game, so how could he not know of the JV games?

Major Chaka's face showed no surprise or reaction of any sort to Brix's inquiry. Instead, with an unchanging, nonjudgmental expression, she calmly explained, "Junior varsity games are a small, safe version of varsity games. While varsity games are hosted by several specialized academies, JV games are conducted by PHAs. They are a great opportunity for students to be scouted by SAs who are vying for a varsity team."

"Azari is a regular participator in the annual JV tournament," Major Chaka continued. "With tryouts over winter break, the team will form the first week of the spring semester and will have the following four months to practice for the tournament which will take place two weeks before graduation."

"Cool!" Brix exclaimed with excitement. He had found his path to a varsity team. "So, how do we try out?" He then inquired.

"I am sure more announcements will be sent out regarding the details," Chaka answered.

A girl, who was familiar with varsity teams since her older brother was a member of one the year before, then asked, "Will the JV teams have a tenth member like the varsity ones?"

Chaka prepared to answer the girl, but she was beaten by Brix loudly asking, "What do you mean by 'tenth member'? Don't the varsity teams have nine players?"

"You are both correct," Chaka responded to the girl as well as Brix before explaining, "Varsity teams have ten members. And both junior varsity and varsity have nine players."

Brix's brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend how that would work. Seeing Brix's confused expression, Chaka hurried to elaborate, "The tenth member is not an active player. They are the team medic."

Brix's eyes widened at the major's answer. "Oh! That makes sense!"

"Junior varsity teams have no need for a medic as they are rather tame compared to the games from which they were birthed. Therefore, they only have nine players," Chaka added.

"Are varsity games that dangerous, then?"

Chaka turned to the student who had asked the question and nodded. "They can be. That is why the medic is in the arena with the active nine. However, they are forbidden from taking action during the games. They are solely there to provide medical care."


"The safety of the medic is the responsibility of the nine players," Major Chaka explained. "Although medics are not allowed to be 'active' in the arenas, it does not mean that they won't get hurt. The games are wild. Many a medic has been caught in the crossfires of two or more teams and been injured. So, the nine are also trained to protect their medic who is there to save their lives."

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