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A light sweat broke on Wen's brow as he faced his second opponent. Entering into a strong, base stance, Wen waited for the coach's signal for the second round to begin. The first phase of tryouts for making the junior varsity team was one-on-one spars wherein applicants could use whatever style of martial arts they wished to defeat their opponents. They must not fatally harm, choke to unconsciousness, or break any of their opponent's bones. Otherwise, no other rules applied, and they were free to fight however they chose.

Upon Coach Staer giving the signal for the second round to begin, Wen's opponent rushed toward him. Wen avoided his opponent's punch and stepped to the left before grabbing his fellow contestant's outstretched arm and swinging his opponent toward the training room floor. There were two lines of thirty-one pairs sparring in the main training room; thus, at the end of the second round, 31 of the 124 contestants would remain and would advance to the second phase.

Wen's opponent quickly sprung to his feet after being thrown to the ground and recovered quite swiftly. Wen breathed in deeply before releasing slowly. He was cool and collected. Although he had already completed another spar, Wen had barely broken a sweat. His months of practice were paying off; he was conditioned and alert.

Aware that he had a little less than four minutes to win the spar, Wen waited for his opponent to rush him again before grabbing the boy's shirt and flipping him onto his back. The moment Wen's opponent hit the ground, Wen wrapped his legs around the boy and locked him down.

It was evident that Wen's opponent had not practiced or trained as much as Wen had, so it was not hard to keep the contestant on the ground for ten seconds. Once the ten seconds had passed, Wen released his hold and held his hand out to help his opponent to his feet. The boy flashed a grateful smile at Wen before accepting his hand and standing.

"You're pretty good," the boy complimented between breaths as he smiled at Wen. "You work out?"

Obviously. Weird question. Wen blinked at his opponent a couple of times with a blank expression before simply nodding in response. Directly after nodding, Wen turned from his opponent and joined his friends where they were standing against the wall of the training room. Stryke, Kean, and Liyam had already finished their spars when Wen reached the group, and he joined the three in watching Toma and Brix wrap up their spars. Toma was the last to complete his spar, and he had a bright smile on his face as he walked up to the five.

"How'd we do?" Toma asked the group as he panted softly. Brix and Kean gave Toma a thumbs-up while Stryke and Liyam presented a peace sign using their index and middle fingers. "What about you?" Toma inquired as he then turned to Wen, who merely nodded in response. None of the five – besides Toma of course – were in the mood to chit-chat. They were focused on watching the other twenty-six who had advanced past the first phase. Those twenty-six were their opponents, and if possible, any weaknesses or abnormalities should be discovered before the next phase began.

"So, we all made it," Toma commented with a breath of relief after receiving Wen's nod. The group was not surprised that all five had advanced to the second round. They each had put in months of work for this day, and they would be devasted should they not succeed.

"Congratulations on passing on to the second phase," Coach Staer said as the thirty-one who completed the first phase gathered around him. "For the second and final phase of this year's tryouts, you shall evade this simulation." Staer gestured to the center of the massive training room where a holographic girl formed from billions of pixels.

What set the main training room apart from the other training rooms was that the entirety of the room was a simulator. The training rooms where the students practiced all semester each had several, separate rooms within them that housed the simulations. However, the main training room was designed to allow for simulations to function anywhere within its boundaries. Simulations could even function on the two, tiered higher floors that overlooked the main arena on the ground level.

"You have demonstrated your offensive and defensive skills during the first phase. Now, it is time to show me your evasive and strategic abilities. Once the simulation makes contact with you, you will be eliminated." The students listened intently as Coach Staer described the rules of the second phase. "When touched by the simulation, an electric shock will be transferred. The shock is not strong enough to hurt you, but you will definitely know when you've been touched. The last nine standing shall be this year's JV team."

The simulation glowed and pulsed as it prepared to begin pursuing the thirty-one students. Although the simulation was female in physique, Wen knew that its stature did not decide its speed. He would need to treat it as if it was the fastest being alive. He also knew that running would not be enough. He would need to figure out how to evade it...or fight it.

"That's so cool," Toma muttered under his breath as he watched the holograph look around the large room in preparation to begin the chase. He was awed by the simulation. The holograph was designed after a famed soldier in the XDF who was the fastest to rise to the rank of 'commander'. She was known for her incredible aim and intense dion skills.

"As some of you may have realized, the simulation is modeled after Commander Zera," Coach Staer said when he saw several of the student's eyes widen as they observed the holograph. "After graduating Dawson Specialized Academy, Xaiyon Zera entered the XDF and rose to be Commander Zera in just four years. No one has ever come close to achieving Zera's level of dion mastery."

"While this holograph has been designed to simulate Zera's physique, agility, and speed, it has been knocked down a notch. This mode of the simulation cannot imitate Zera's dion abilities, so your chances of lasting the pursuit have increased greatly." As Coach Staer described the simulation the thirty-one would be up against, the two coaches and Tomas went up to the highest level where they would observe the pursuit.

The other thirty-one who had failed to continue to the last phase had all been ushered out of the training room, leaving just the successful thirty-one on the ground level. "The second level is open to the simulation and to you, but access to the third floor is restricted," Coach Staer informed as he came to stand on one of the balconies of the third floor that overhung the second and first levels. "The simulation shall be released in thirty seconds. You may spread out and go where you wish during that time."

Upon hearing Staer's words, the thirty-one immediately spread throughout the first level. Wen immediately ran toward the stairs that led to the second floor. He wanted to gain a vantage point to observe the simulation's movements and patterns as it was released.

An automated voice began to count down from thirty as Coach Staer began the half-minute timer. "One more thing!" Staer shouted as the automated voice reached twenty-five. "Watch out for the bullets! Don't forget that Zera had incredible aim. Those things zap when they make contact."

Wen whipped his head back toward the simulation as he reached the stairs. Racing his gaze all over the holograph, Wen quickly zeroed in on the pistol strapped to Zera's thigh. Great. That's just lovely. She has long-range attack plus speed and agility.




"Good luck!" Coach Staer called out as the automated voice continued to count down. After clocking in on the pistol, Wen returned to leaping up the stairs. He reached the top as the timer had ten seconds left. Liyam and Kean joined him on the second level as they had five seconds left.

Wen's heart pumped in his chest as the voice sounded out, "Four."

You've got this, Wen. Wen gave himself a quick pep talk as he locked his gaze on the simulation. Last this long enough, and you'll make the team. I can do this... I can do this!




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