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A little white flowers.
Small but strong.
A little white flowers.
Singing it's same old boring song.

I little white flowers
Petals starts to grow
A little white flowers going with life's flow.

A little white flowers surrounded by its friends
A little white flowers thought happiness will never ends.

A little white flowers find love for the first time.
The little white flowers.
Yes she became blind.

Little white flowers.
She felt like a little white light dove.
Why you'd ask ?
Obviously because she'd found love.

Little white flowers
Thought she had find a mate.
Too bad little white flowers didn't run before it was too late.

Little white flowers
Began to become taint
Tainted by the love she thought that will never faint

Her petals, were no longer white.
Poor little white flowers thought she had lost her fight.
She had to run with the last little white petal she had.
It was such a pity sight....
To watch her flee for her life....
It was soo sad....

One little.......

One little .............

One little ...........................

White petal..
On a plant surrounded by Black petals
One little tainted flowers trying to get her life back

Crush ..........................
And imperfect...................

She has to make it.....
She's giving it all she have left....

Magnificent .......
Creative ...................
Wonderfully and wholefully made.....

One drop

Two drop

Three drop


Then shower...........................
Little white petal was glad for sure....
She thank the one thing that had helped her endure

A Mightiful saviour she has grown to Adore

White petal surround by all black.
Had finally seen an open door.

She Was clense by a shower.
A heavenly shower
Little white flowers
Was thankful that she wasn't devour.

She was glad she hasn't lost hope.
How good she felt.
As if she was wash by a really good soap
I suppose

She'd never forgot.
Who had been her light.
And lighten up her life.
She'd never forgot who's the mighty healer.

God heals

He's the mighty healer amongst Healer.

He brings light to the darkness

God give Hope......

He restore every heart that is broken.

God Clense

He's the cleanser above all Clensers..

The king above all kings

The Lord above all Lords..

Psalms 31:24 (KJV) Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

He never lose.
Trust him.
Have faith..........

Poems From The Soul. POEMS FOR THE SOUL Where stories live. Discover now