Chapter seven

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  Becky lived in California during her college years and she had picked up on the accent. She was really tan. She stood at 5'4 and had deep brown eyes. Her hair was a soft chocolate with blond highlights. She had a boob job. Although she claimed they're hers and that they're natural, but that's bullshit.

  We all go in the same car. I keep pulling the shirt up to hide any scars.

  "What are you doing?" Monica asks.

  "I don't like the shirt," I tell her. We get in the car and I'm on the passenger's side. Sharon is driving, Addison in the passenger seat, Jess in the middle and Monica on Sharon's side. Thankfully Becky is in her own car. Sharon and Addison are talking about dresses and what not. Jess is asleep and Monica has in her air pods. Leaving me to look out the window.

  I twiddle with my dog tags. Tracing over the letterings and numbers.

  "Why did you wear those ugly things?" Addison asks. I don't answer, I've never taken them off. These tags remind me of who I am, and what I've done. Not only that but it helps me get discounts.

  "I might be able to get you discounts since I was with the Marines," I tell her.

  "Nice move!" Sharon says.

  "I still think they're ugly," She says. I roll my eyes and keep my gaze outside.

  Once we get to the main part of town we make our way into the dress shop.
  "Oh my goodness! Is that who I think it is?" Becky asks, pulling her sunglasses down to her nose.

  Although she's from Texas she always makes her accent weird. I have no clue how to explain it, but that it's not the same as mine or anyone else.

  "Hi Becky," I mumble.

  She comes up and hugs me and my back stiffens. I didn't like physical contact. Once she pulls away I start coughing from her strong perfume.
  "Did you bathe in that stuff?" I ask her and she just laughs.

  I hate this. I would much rather be working right now. We entire the shop and already the dresses are at least three thousand dollars. And that's just the clearance rack.

  "Why are these so expensive?" I ask mostly to myself.

  "They're the best of the best. Each one is hand made," Addison says. I end up taking a seat on a couch facing the dressing rooms. Eventually Addison tries on multiple dresses and we're all waiting for her to come out.

  "Let's see it baby," Sharon hollers to Add.

  "I'm almost done," She answers back. Becky comes back with a dress in hand. "I found one that would be super cute on you," She places the dress on the rack and takes a seat next to me.

  "So how was the army?" She asks.

  "It's not the army, it's the Marine Corps," I correct her. Everyone always thinks I was in the army.

  "So how many people did you kill?" I don't answer and just keep my gaze forward. "I can't imagine having that on your soul. Killing all those people. I mean all of those lives are taken from you," She provokes.

  I squeeze my hands so tight that my knuckles turn white. Just as she finishes talking, Addison comes out wearing a simple silk dress that flows on the floor.

  "I like it but you should try on the other one," Becky says.

  "I like it but it's just too simple," Addison says.

  After another hour, she finally finds the one. A silk dress where the sleeves are on the side of her arms. The top crossed over. The skirt part was all the way on the floor and it trailed behind her.

  After paying we went to another shop just for bridesmaids. We end up going with a dusty blue theme.

  "Ok everyone pick out your style. Mace I'm picking the dress for you. You have no taste so it's up to me to fix that," says Addison in a happy voice.

  I let out a sigh and follow her. I don't hate her, we are just two completely opposite people. We walk to one of the racks and Addison just stands there looking at two.

  "I just can't tell which one would be best?" She says with one hand on her hip and the other one on her chin.

  "Oh! This one should do! Go try it on," she orders me.

  She hands me the dress and I take it without looking at it. I wanted to make her happy. It was her day so I wasn't going to fight. I go into the dressing room and take off my clothes and put on the dusty blue dress. With the matching heels.

  The dress goes down to the floor and the back is completely open. The dress is pure silk. Straps criss-cross around the back. The neckline is like a choker on the neck, yet loose around the bust. There's a slit on the left side of the dress that goes up to my leg. Everyone is already out with their dresses and starts calling to me to come out.

  "Come on let's see it!"  Sharon hollers.

  "Yeah come out!" Jess calls.

  "I wanna see," Addison says.

  "It- it doesn't fit," I lie.

  It really is a nice dress and fits me beautifully. But the back. Every scar was visible. It made me feel vulnerable. And the slit goes up to a gunshot wound and multiple scars from a knife.

  "It's supposed to be a little tight, just come out," Addison commands. I open the curtain and close it behind me. Not wanting them to see the scars through the mirror.

  "Oh that's gorgeous!" Sharon says, putting her hand over her mouth.

  "That's deff you!" Addison exclaims. "Twirl, I wanna see the back!" Addison says.

  "I- I- can't." I stutter out. I didn't like this. I wanted to get out of it, and fast.

  "Oh come on lets see it," Sharon says. Suddenly my phone rings and I step back inside the dressing room. Thank goodness.

  I look to see who it is, but it's an unknown number. I answer and undress while I pick up the phone. "Hello?" I ask.

  "Is this Major Mace?" A lady asks.

  "Who's this?" I ask back.

  "My name is Sarah. I'm Jackson's wife. I just wanted to say thank you," She says.

  "What are your talking about?" I ask her.

  "Thank you for bringing him home to me," She says.

  "But he- he died," I say in shock . Then I hear a voice I thought I'd never hear again.

  "Hey there Major!"

  "What? How? You died," I spit out. Trying my best to stay quite.

  "No, heh. I was close to it but a couple men saved me. They said that they were a part of F.S.F. When they brought me back I talked to a man named John. He said that he knew your family. I saw him the other day and he said that you were back. I couldn't believe it. He gave me your number. Thank you," He cries. "I get to be a father because of you," he sobs.

  "How? I thought he killed you. He said, he said he killed you."

  "Almost did. But I was able to crawl away. Thank you Mace. I truly owe you my life."

  "Come on Mace!" I hear Becky call out.

  "I-I need to go. I'll call you later. Ok?" We exchange good bye's and then I hang up.

  He said that he was dead. How is this possible? I thought I was the last.

"Are you done in there? We're going to be late for lunch," Addison and Becky whine. I come out of the dressing room with the dress in my hand.

   We buy the dresses and make our way to the restaurant. When I get there I'm going to have a talk with John. How did he find Jackson? Why was he out there? How does he know Jackson? Only one way to find out.

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