Part Nineteen: the Next Level

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"Come on, you know this." Anthony encouraged gently.

I looked intensely at the textbook before me, willing the numbers and Greek letters to rearrange themselves in a way that made sense. If I stare hard enough, just maybe, the answer will appear all on its own. We hardly made it halfway through the review packet for my math final exam. Anthony had the patience of a saint to help tutor me the past three weeks. I would feel less lost if I were dropped in the middle of a country that I didn't speak the language of.

"I think I may actually be stupid. Did I just forget how to read?" I said.

He laughed, leaning back in his chair, "You're not stupid. Take your time, Steph. I know you can do this, just reread the equation and check the formula."

I looked up at him pitifully, "Is the answer 3?"

"No, the answer is not 3."

"I give up." My head fell, thumping into the open book. I heard Anthony's endearing chuckle as he brushed my hair back with his fingertips, kissing the tip of my exposed ear. I rolled my head to look at him, keeping my head laying on the kitchen table. It was hard to take my eyes this handsome boy who gave up his Saturday afternoon to come over and help me study.

His phone beeped. Anthony glanced down at the screen quickly, the smile faded from his face just as quick. He closed the phone, tucking it into the front pocket of his jean and said, "Why don't we take a break?"

"Sounds good to me." I hopped up from the table and wandered across the kitchen, "Want a drink? I just made a pitcher of lemonade."

"You made lemonade?"

I nodded, "Fresh from the lemon tree out back."

"Oh, you beautiful woman. Lemonade is my favorite." He smirked. His compliments left me glowing.

    He took the tall glass from my hand, tilting his head back to take a large gulp of the juice. The ice shifted, clinking against the glass. My eyes were fixed on Anthony's neck; his Adam's apple gliding up and down as he swallowed. Anthony licked his lips, I felt mine buzzing at the sight.

Excusing himself to the bathroom, I walked into the living room to check the time. The large green clock on the wall read three o'clock. My parents wouldn't be home for at least two more hours. Even my brother made sure to be out of the house today since our air conditioner was on the fritz. Leaving the windows opened helped, but not enough to cool things down.

I pulled my hair up on top of my head, holding it tightly with my hand as I plopped down on the couch. The crisp spring weather came and left quickly, and the hot summer sun was warming up. The brown suede fabric felt cool against my legs, though my shorts clung to my partially sweaty thighs. Using my thumb to separate the edge of my shorts from my skin, I leaned back into the pillows. My bra was pinching, my skin was hot, and I was so tired of wearing long sleeve shirts.

Hearing my flustered groans as he walked back into the room, Anthony asked, "Are you okay?"

"Math ruined my mood and now I can't get comfortable." My arms flopped to my side. The rising temperature defeated me and it wasn't even really summer yet.

Anthony smiled, "I think I can help with that."

    "Oh yeah?" I teased, sitting up right while he sat down beside me.

    He scooped the hair off my shoulders, sliding a hair tie off his wrist and twisting it around my hair gently. He brushed the stray strands back with care before leaning in. Anthony's lips pursed, blowing cool air onto my neck. I closed my eyes, his breath felt good on my skin. My head fell back and Anthony followed, kissing my neck.

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