Part Twenty: the Retribute

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*CW: Blood, violence*

The next week came and went quickly. In an instant, it was Saturday morning all over again. Thanks to Anthony's patience, my grades were steadily inclining as the semester winded to an end. He was consistently reminding me to stay on top of my homework, as well as helping me with the areas I was struggling. He is smart and kind and so so handsome. I might be the luckiest girl in the world.

Dad was up and ready to go first thing this morning, as per usual. I was in such a good mood lately that I didn't mind when he marched into my room this morning, pretending to play a trumpet to wake me up.

Sprawled under the comforter, I laid still while my dad finished his musical routine. He then sat at the foot of my bed, explaining our plan for the day. Something about dinner with grandparents, fixing a broken sink, washing the truck... I spaced out after a minute, whatever our schedule was didn't matter much to me. Wherever my family went, I followed along quietly.

    Despite my dad's demand to spend some family time outside, Cameron talked his way out of it. Again.

We ended up making our way to a park downtown after breakfast. Just past the main shopping centre, long hiking trails winded around the entirety of the park; the trails snaked through the trees up and down small hills that enclosed a public sports complex. The well nourished grass fields on either side of a brand new jungle gym were open to use by individuals or youth teams for practice. Often times, there would be groups leading yoga sessions in the grass, or even movie night at the park. Soon there would be a large concert in the field to kick off summer.

This was the perfect opportunity for my dad to test out his new birthday gift: a digital camera with a longer lens than he knew what to do with. He was excited to take pictures of birds. Mom and dad decided to walk the trail so they could spy for critters, and I opted to jog ahead. Wanting to continue my running hobby, I came dressed in loose black shorts, a matching black sports bra, and a soft pink t-shirt. 

I opted to take the shirt off, running with my skin exposed. The air felt good on my body after months of hiding it. Even the raised white scars felt better to be outside and uncovered.

The happiness I have felt lately gave me a new taste for life.

    I slowed my pace on the trail, needing to catch my breath. Coming to a stop, I spied a water fountain by the commons building in the center of the sports complex. I happily got off the path while checking that my parents were still far behind me. Though far out of sight, I could still hear my dad feeling flustered by his new camera.

    No longer under the shade of the trees, the sun warmed my skin. I was so relieved to not be covering my battered arms; I wanted to absorb as much of the light as I could. Making my way across the grassy arena, the cheers of families watching the little kids soccer match filled the air. Plant life was blooming, not a cloud in the sky; everyone seemed so happy today.

    Except for one.

    He grabbed my bicep tightly, yanking me right towards the dirt parking lot. I didn't even have to look up to know. Nausea twisted in my throat as the familiar pungent cologne clouded my nose. His dirty finger nails pinched my arm, just as they did in the movie theater.

    Cain grumbled to himself. He rolled the bottom of his shirt up to wipe away the beads of sweat on his forehead. I did not bother to assume he would be here; I had forgotten he was associated with soccer. In fact, I had almost completely forgotten about him entirely.

    We neared the vehicles when a wave of panic hit me. Despite his grip on my arm, why was I walking with him? My legs locked, refusing to move I attempted to pull my arm from his grasp.

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