chapter four ; norman fucking rockwell

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"but I can't change that and I can't change your mood. cause you're just a man, it's just what you do." norman fucking rockwell ; lana del rey

evysummers posted to their story !

evysummers posted to their story !

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I had spent the last week avoiding any contact with Malachi at all costs.

Unfortunately, our streak of no-contact bliss was going to end today, since we had a day of press for Zombies 4. I prayed that I could just hang out with Milo and Meg off camera, and maybe try and pretend to tolerate the cunt on camera.

I had previously been hoping that we would be over this by now. Everyone always raved about how fun and pleasant Malachi was to be around, and I was really hoping that that side of the boy would shine through. Unfortunately, almost a month later, the cunt was still a cunt and I still hated his fucking guts.

Just as I'd gotten out of bed, I received a call from Jaden.

"Aye!" He exclaimed as soon as I answered the face time. "You excited for today?"

I groaned, sitting up and propping my phone against my vanity mirror. "Bro, I wanna be. But unfortunately Malachi's presence is dragging me down."

Jaden rolled his eyes at me. "He's just being a little bitch. I promise that he's a really cool guy."

"Oh, I don't doubt it. He just really doesn't like me." I chuckled as I replied, hugging my knees against my chest.

"That's not what he says." The boy smirked as he spoke, pulling a teasing expression. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What... do you... mean?" I spoke nervously. If there was one thing I didn't like, it was when people spoke about me behind my back. Especially if they acted differently to my face.

"Well, he defends you to everyone. He always talks about how talented you are, and teases Dylan about how hot his sister is." Jaden told me while fixing his hair in his own mirror. He seemed completely unfazed by the cataclysmic words that had just left his mouth.

"What? Why?" I queried the boy, but he merely shrugged.

"Guys are weird, Ev. I don't know what to tell you."

I tried not to think to deeply into what Jaden had just told me. As he'd said, guys are weird. You never knew what they really felt, or why they stared at you across the room for hours on end.

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