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Avalon's POV:

'No. I'm too young to die' I thought as I stared at the six monsters before me. They were all so beautiful with features that would land them on the front cover of any magazine.

But they were murderers.

I was frozen in place and unable to think coherently after witnessing the brutal murder. Simply, I was in shock.

All of their eyes were locked on me and they too had yet to move.

What am I going to do? What'll happen to me? Are they going to kill me, rape me, or sell me? I need to get out of here and call for help! My distraught thoughts were interrupted when I saw the man who killed the guy move in my direction. I quickly willed myself to take a step back, trying desperately to keep some distance.

"What are you doing in a place like this darling?" He asked.

A muffled whimper was all that escaped my lips as I retreated backwards. "S-stay back. I-I don't want a-any trouble." I said trying to sound unafraid but failing miserably.

"No trouble? Well, it seems to me that the only one in trouble here is you." He said with his deep, sexy, baritone accent.

After hearing that, I broke off in a sprint back to my apartment complex.

Alphonso POV:

"Shouldn't we be going after her?" Lorenzo asked once the girl had stormed off.

"Oh we will, but we have more important things to take care of right now such as disposing this body." I said. I whipped out my phone to call Dante.

"What's up." He answered.

"Any sign of movement?"

"Not from the authorities, but I just saw a girl running away as if she had seen a ghost. Her eyes were crazy and everything. I was going to follow her because she came from the exact location you guys were at but-" he detailed before I cut him off.

"Follow her! But don't harm her. I just want to know where she lives." I demanded.

"Of course." He said before hanging up.

After the phone call and the disposal of the body, we all filed into the car. "Did you guys see her? Damn she was hot!" Rèmy was the first to exclaim.

"Yeah, but too bad she has to die," sighed Romeo.

"What are we going to do about her Alphonso? I know that you sent Dante to follow her, but we can't just let her roam free." Rafael said as he drove us further away from the crime scene. "I know that Rafael."

"But you've never done this before." Rèmy said. He paused for a moment before gasping and pointing his index finger toward me."Is this love! Omg! You have the hots for the girl don't you."

"You are the dumbest person I have ever met." Lorenzo said and their usual banter followed afterward. But little did they know, Rèmy, for once, was right. I had taken a liking to the beautiful girl.

Avalon's POV:

It's been two days ever since the murder and I haven't slept at all. Fear of being kidnapped or killed were the only things that kept me from sleeping, relaxing, eating, and, dare I say, bathing. To summarize my dilemma to five words; I.
Was. In. Deep. Shit!

I couldn't bring myself to call the police for fear that those guys would be affiliated with the cops and trace my number, which would lead them straight to me. I know I'm only coming up with excuses but what else can I do? Those men frightened the shit out of me.

The sound of my ringtone permeated my thoughts and caused me to jump a little. 'Who is that? Could it be them! How did they get my number! Should I answer. No, that would be stupid Avalon, do you want to die.' I thought. A few seconds later I willed myself to at least check the caller id. It was Rick. I quickly picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" I answered nervously.

"Ava, I've been trying to call you for the past two days! Is everything alright?" He questioned sounding concerned at the end.

"Y-yeah. Sorry. I've just been tired. So what's up?"

"I was wondering if you could come over today. Chelsea isn't feeling too good and you know how the cafe gets on a Saturday." He asked desperately. I wanted to decline so badly, but like I said before I always had a hard time saying no.


"Thanks so much. Do you think you'll be able to make it within the next 30 minutes because the place is packed."

"Yeah, but you owe me one."

"I know, I know. Thanks again." He said before ending the call.

Getting out of the bed, I took a quick shower and got dressed in my uniform. Afterwards, I started heading toward the door before I stopped midway. The severity of my dilemma had finally dawned on me and I started freaking out. What if they see me? What if they already know where I live and follow me until I'm alone to kidnap me?

Moments later, I finally snapped out of my negative thoughts. I had persuaded myself to believe that there was no way they could have seen me in the alleyway because it was simply too dark. With new found confidence, I headed out of my apartment, got into my car and drove to work.

"Hey Avalon! Nice to see you." Rick greeted as I entered the cafe. The place was packed! "Hey Rick. I didn't know it was going to be this bad." I said as I retrieved my notepad and apron.

"Yeah, well business is business." He replied. He then placed two steamy trays on the counter. "Can you please take this to table six and then take table nine's order?"

"Sure." Gathering the trays, I headed out into the bustling cafe towards table six. Once done, I looked down to get my note pad from my apron as I headed towards table nine.

"Hello, my name is Avalon and I will be your waitress for today. Are you ready to order?" I asked, still not glancing at the occupants of table nine. "We're ready... darling." said a familiar deep masculine voice that held a hint of an italian accent.

I dropped my notepad and with wide eyes gazed up. Sitting there in table nine were the men I had encountered two days before.

"What's the matter? It looks as if you've seen a ghost."

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