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Alphonso's POV:

18 years ago:

"Allessandro! Why in the hell did you give your son alcohol to drink!" yelled my mother.

"Settle down Arriane, he can take it. Afterall, he's going to have to grow up sooner or later to take over the Rizzolo empire." He said.

"Men." sighed Catarina and Fran.

It was September 29, 1997. Close friends and family were invited to the Rizzolo Manor to celebrate my eighth birthday party. Among the party people were of course Rafael, Romeo, Rèmy, Lorenzo, Marcelo, Fabio and Roma.

"That is no excuse! Do you not realize that your eight year old son is drunk!" She screamed as she pointed in my direction. My father and uncle turned their heads to our kid table beside them.

"And then I says to her, I says, no I got Your nose." I chuckled as I grabbed Romeo's nose. He and my friends all laughed at me, saying that I was 'acting wierd'. "Hey, I wanna try some of that hyper juice!" shouted Romeo. He took my cup of "juice", which was actually alcohol, and drank it.

My mother gasped and ran over to our table. "Romeo, honey are you alright?" She asked. Romeo coughed and hiccuped for a bit before he turned to my mother with glazed eyes. "How am I still breathing if he has my nose!?" He screamed in absolute terror.

The adult table, which included Allessandro, Alejandro, Gia, Catarina, Allessio, Fran, and Giovanni, started to laugh loudly. "Oh, my goodness. This is just too good!" cried Allessio.

Roma and Fabio, as well as Rafael, Rèmy, Lorenzo, Dante, and Marcelo, ran from the kids table and toward the adults. "Mommy, daddy can we have some hyper juice like Alphonso did? Please." they begged.

"Now look at what you've done. They all want to get drunk! At this rate, I'm sure they'll want to be alcoholics when they grow up." Catarina berated.

"As much as I love you fratello (brother) I don't think giving Alphonso alcohol for his birthday was a wise choice." Alejandro said. "Oh, and heads up. Arriane is heading this way to most likely bash your face in with her fists of fury."

Allessandro turned around just in time to see that Alejandro was right. Arriane was heading in his direction with full speed. Allessandro jerked up from his chair and ran out of the to dining hall yelling, "I'm Sorry Amore!"

9 years ago:

"Hell yeah! It's about damn time I finally get to go with you guys to the ball! I'm sure that it's going to be badass!" squealed Rèmy. He was 15 at the time, the required age for all important members of the five great families to attend social gatherings.

"Would you be quiet, I'm trying to think here!" yelled Lorenzo.

"About what?" He asked.

"None of your god damn business kid."

"Hey! I am so not a kid. Just because you're eighteen, and are legally and adult, doesn't mean you act like one." Rèmy countered.

"Can you guys just knock it off." sighed Marcelo and Dante.

"No, can you guys please stop doing that. It's creepy when twins do that." Shuddered Romeo. The twins just gave Romeo a blank stare before turning back to the window.

"Oh, I think I know why you're acting like this Lorenzo." Rèmy continued.

A vein portuded form Lorenzo's forhead. "You'd better shut your face, Rèmy. I'm warning you."

"Is it because of....."

"Rèmy! You'd better not say whatever it is your about to say or so help me I will fly across this car so fast you won't even know what hit you." He threatened.

Rizzolo Famiglia: You Hit Me, We Hit YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora