Chapter 3 🎨

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The wicked older sister who relentlessly harassed her younger sister, who had lost her birth parents. The villainess who engaged in bullying, framing, and manipulation against an innocent girl.

These were not lies. When Yeon Ha-yoon looked back on the past, it was true that Violet had committed many misdeeds.

She despised Aileen.

And so, she tormented her.

From a young age, Violet had been associated with unruly behavior, making it impossible to alleviate the prejudices people held against her. Instead of their own younger sister, Violet's older brothers took care of Aileen, who was their cousin.

"Nanny said something to me. The previous duchess is a gorgeous woman with beautiful golden blonde hair, but why is Sister's hair silver?"

As Violet and Yeon Ha-yoon recalled what Aileen had said during their childhood, they couldn't help but suppress a helpless smile.

But now, it was all meaningless. It had become meaningless.

Her attempts to gain recognition from her family, to be loved, to survive in this hellish ducal household and live-it all faded away as the memories of her previous life resurfaced. The two personalities merged together.

The person she was now was Violet, but not Violet. She was Yeon Ha-yoon, but not Yeon Ha-yoon. And so, she made a decision-to redraw her life.

"To leave everything behind in this reality. To confine myself, alone."

The first thing Violet did was visit her father, still dressed in her nightgown.

Her body had not fully recovered, and it was evident to anyone who saw her that she looked frail.

Despite his daughter's sudden appearance, the Duke showed no signs of unease.

The nineteen years of trying to instill in her the values of a ducal princess were gone. The Duke's office was filled with a silence as sharp as a knife, and he calmly swept back his black hair as he looked at Violet. His eyes resembled a lake in the midst of a snowy winter.

For her entire life-for her entire life, she had wished for him to look at her, even with those cold eyes.

In this life, the girl took a moment to sympathize with herself. She had lost her mother at a young age, and her father was an indifferent man. How could she have received the love and affection she needed?

While yearning for the attention of those who wouldn't even spare her a glance, she lived on with persistence.

For a few days, the servants whispered among themselves, speculating if the ducal princess had finally lost her mind. Violet scoffed at their gossip and paid no attention.

Did you also wish for my death?

If my life is worthless and serves no purpose, why did you spend such an exorbitant amount of money to save me?

Yeon Ha-yoon, Violet, smiled at the Duke, who had never given her a single ounce of attention.

"I have one question for you, Your Grace. In your eyes, am I a daughter or merely a tool to be used?"

She posed the question with elegance, her voice filled with grace.

Violet's question was direct and disrespectful. It would have been justified for the Duke to reprimand her for her insolence. However, instead of condemning her, he raised his head and met her gaze, locking eyes with her.

Their gazes intertwined in the air.

Deep purple eyes, like bottomless lakes, met green eyes that were skilled at concealing one's true thoughts, honed through years of being a Duke.

The moment of silent assessment was fleeting. Without hesitation, Violet asked once more.

"Allow me to ask again, Your Grace. Am I a daughter or a tool to you?"

"What kind of commotion is this now?"

"Since my brush with death, my feelings have changed. There is something I wish to pursue."

The Ducal Princess spoke with remarkable composure.

If it were so easy to let go of expectations, why couldn't she release her desire to be acknowledged by this household? Even if she were considered nothing more than a tool, she would still hold some value, to some extent.

Of course, considering who Violet was now, she no longer needed that validation.

The Duke parted his lips heavily.

"What is it that you wish to do?"

"Firstly, I would like to reject every marriage proposal."

"...You may do so."

When Violet mentioned the marriage proposals, the Duke responded swiftly. This momentarily shook Violet.

It wasn't so easy to discard the value placed upon her as a tool. Although her reputation had already plummeted, Violet's outward appearance was still objectively pleasing.

Even though the Duke could have used her as a tool in a political marriage, he answered without hesitation.

She wondered if he had another purpose in mind for her. Nevertheless, Violet quickly regained her composure and continued.

"And I wish to paint."

"...If that is your wish, I can arrange for a teacher."

The Villainess Want To PaintWhere stories live. Discover now