Chapter 12 🎨

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It’s a matter of absolute improbability for Aileen’s visit to please Violet.

She just recently requested for that girl to be barred entry from the annex, but why was she now going all the way over this part of the duke’s property?

Violet clicked her tongue as she heard the news from Mary, who was now her personal maid.

While she was still living her life entirely as Violet, she couldn’t understand Aileen at all. And now that she had Ha-yoon’s consciousness as well, it was even harder to understand Aileen.

“I don’t want to see her. Tell her to go back.”

It’s only now that she could finally breathe comfortably, but why was trouble persistently coming after her?

Mary, who had become a messenger, hastily hurried to tell Aileen Violet’s response, however she returned not even a while later.

“M-Milady, she says that she won’t leave until she sees you…”

Aileen’s dogged stubbornness was also something formidable.

Mary wordlessly tried to gauge Violet’s reaction for a moment, then she told her that Aileen brought a sketchbook with her.

“Ha, I’m at a loss for words, seriously…”

I already left and moved to this faraway side of the property, but are you saying that you’ve chased after me just to provoke me?

Rising from her seat, Violet brushed a hand over her face, her actions evidently showing how irritated she was.

“I already said that she should leave. …Mary, let’s go eat some snacks.”


Should we do that?

The question was practically written across Mary’s forehead, but instead of answering, Violet just laughed.

Perplexed, Mary followed after her.

* * *

The employees of the annex had resigned themselves to working at this place.

The new lady they were serving now had such a vicious temper—enough to grant her several terrible nicknames—so they all just kept their heads down, trying to survive as they continued to work.

Still, there were just four regular maids and two kitchen maids. Although the annex was small, it’s difficult for only six people to handle everything. They had to go as far as taking turns just to cover for each other.

And they all pitied Mary, who sometimes had to stay by the lady’s side.

Each and everyone of them declined the position of Violet’s personal maid, so it inevitably went down the line and fell onto the newbie’s lap.

However, contrary to their worries, Mary told the other employees of the annex that Violet was not like how the rumors painted her out to be.

Even as the atmosphere was filled with a somber, sympathetic mood towards her, Mary defended her master to the end.

One maid, who had been working here longer than Mary, recalled the incident wherein Violet ordered her to cut off the tongue of another employee herself.

This maid didn’t believe what Mary was saying now, but she also did not deny that Violet had changed.

As a matter of fact, Violet often shared her food with Mary.

And Mary was a simple girl. Anyone who shared food with someone else was, she believed, a good person.

Thus, inside the annex, the people’s impression on Violet changed little by little.

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