3 ~ wrong yet not incorrect

21 4 18

Chapter 3

Regulus' feet, in dark combat boots (unlike James, his shoelaces were tied), resting on the seat in front of him, windows down, an alt-rock song blaring through the speakers at the max. The car, rented out by James' mother just for him (another example of how spoiled he was, but he didn't let it taint the goodness of his heart), was parked behind a humongous strip mall (too many people and crowds. Not Regulus' scene). 

He kept going on about how James was spoiled and filthy rich when he'd grown up as a Black. Major difference: his mother and father had full control over his money and tiny allowance. Sometimes he thought about how much he'd inherit when they passed away, then he shut those thoughts out with all the force of wand magic.

He was normally too reserved to share his music taste with anyone. He shut himself in his room and screamed his head off to the instruments, which felt like his kind of thunderstorm. He felt comfortable in the company of James, comfortable enough to shyly sing along with his high voice. James, unfortunately, couldn't hear his...situationship partner over the music.

The next song was by Cigarettes After Sex, whom Andromeda had scoffed at but he enjoyed. When Andy introduced her cousin to the world of Muggle music, Regulus' immediate thought was to criticize the brand name "Bluetooth". The band encapsulated his essence, with serene ballads soft instruments, and simple album covers. Their songs felt like atmospheric therapy. Andy, after discovering Regulus' passion for music, had gifted her cousin a pair of black headphones he used to get out of the house and go on long walks with music without feeling like someone was about to kidnap him.

Regulus had canceled all his plans (not like he had many; he was a hermit) to let the music in James' car dictate his mood. It was around seven by now. The sky still looked filled with bright lights because of the summer. Brilliant twinkling stars flew across the plain. Regulus wanted to point his star out, but he honestly had no idea how to identify it. That was more of Sirius' forte; he was too self-absorbed to ignore how bright his star was, and he studied Astronomy relentlessly to shove information in his friends' faces even though he found the teacher boring.

At least, that's what Regulus was guessing. He hadn't come across his brother in a few months. He'd burnt all his letters when he was fourteen, so Sirius stopped sending them.

"Wanna get wine?" James asked after turning down the music. A tipsy James Potter remodeled him; normally, he would never utter a curse word, but his drunk alter ego begged to differ. Legal? Hmm...that was another matter. Regulus bet he thought he was so above swearing. Sometimes swear words were the only ones that could express your point effectively. He had to wash his mouth out with soap at this point.

"Messes with my head," Regulus said. "Sure." Wine and alcohol in general allowed him to drift away from his repertoire of problems and strenuous struggles awaiting him at every turn. His mind became blurry. The substance let him relax and forget, offering confidence and courage instead. What a foolish one he was, overindulging and ending up with a raging headache in the morning. Dangerous, yes. But helpful. A bit like himself.

That's how the...couple...found themselves in a mini-bar with wine glasses as they twirled tipsily on the rich velvet stools. James had unbuttoned his black leather jacket so it hung around his waist. His favorite color was rich red or burgundy. The Gryffindor shade.

"We should go now before we commit a crime or something," Regulus slurred, letting out a high-pitched manic giggle. James looked at him weirdly before the alcohol enveloped him, caressing him (what a liar alcohol was) and making him giggle too. The bartender, a poor, unfortunate soul only a few years older than them, blanched and backed away. His pale green eyes were frosted over with a haunted sheen. He looked like he'd seen things.

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