CHAPTER 2: narcissistic

55 4 3

ᯓ★ language
ᯓ★ self-harm
ᯓ★ mentions of injury

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a whimper escaped the brown-haired boy who was occasionally touching the handle of his dorm room. he was both scared and embarrassed to face his friend after whatever happened in the ice skating rink.

maybe sunghoon was right. sunoo is a coward.

it took sunoo a good 10 minutes to muster up the courage and twist the door handle. he stepped inside, telling himself that whatever is going to happen, is gonna happen and there is nothing he can do about it.

the dorm was lit only by a beam of moonlight reflecting on the living room sofa. it was oddly quiet. where was sunghoon? didnt he come back?

"hyung?.." called out sunoo nervously, as he turns on the lights. he gets no response. he put down his tote bag on the floor and strutted towards sunghoons room.

he wasnt there.

sunoo started to get worried. he was about to leave the room when he hard a clank from sunghoons bathroom, followed by a faint "oh, shit-". sunoo ran to the bathroom, only to confront a scene which came straight from his nightmares.

it was sunghoon. on the floor of the bathroom with blood travelling from his cut wrist to the drain, creating swirls of red on the floor. his light blue shirt was stained with tears, blood and water. sunghoons eyes and lips were puffy from (believe it or not) crying. a trembling hand was reaching out for a blood-stained blade on the floor (sunoo assumed the blade falling was what made the sound).

sunoo was frozen on the spot until sunghoon started to slash at his wrist again. this made sunoo burst into tears and yell, "HYUNG WHAT ARE YOU DOING", and fall to the ground. he yanked the blade from sunghoons shaky hand and threw it away near the sink. sunghoon looked at sunoo with watery eyes. sunoo did the same before embracing sunghoon warmly. he was crying so hard, he was hiccuping out breaths. "h-hyung im s- so - hnng.. so sorry.." he gasped into sunghoons neck.

"please- get up, please-" sunoo begged while pulling at his hyungs ruined shirt. sunghoon obeyed, his face looking paler than ever from the blood loss. the moment he stood up, his head started spinning like crazy, resulting in him tripping over his own feet. he leaned onto sunoo and looked into his eyes. but then...


─── timeskip ───

pain. that was the only feeling and emotion sunghoon was feeling when he finally gained consciousness. his head ached so much that he swore that if he opens his eyes, they will fall out from their sockets. for some reason, he couldnt move or speak, so he just sat there like a doll, in the position sunoo propped him on the living room sofa.

without warning, he felt something incredibly cold touch the cut on his left wrist. it produced a pain similar to an electrical shock; it travelled from his wrist to his whole body. the shock of the pain made him dart his eyes open and let out a quiet but sharp "fuck-" which allerted sunoo (who was applying ointment to sunghoons cut).

knowing sunghoon was awake, he dashed to the kitchen and came back with a glass of cold water. sunghoon looked at his friend and was beyond shocked. the usually lively and bright sunoo was now replaced with a dull and emotionless one. he was staring at his face for so long, sunoo got tired of holding the glass out for him. he pressed the cold glass onto sunghoons lower lip, making his lips part.

water was never so refreshing for sunghoon. his head stopped spinning and his eyes were no longer throbbing. sunoo made him take another sip before placing the glass on the table. sunghoon looked infront of him and watched the now changed sunoo searching inside a first aid box. was sunghoon the reason for sunoos instant personality change? did he hurt him? was sunoo mad at him? a million of thoughts like these flew into sunghoons mind like a swarm of bees.

he did a sharp jolt when he felt another pain in his wrist. grimacing from the pain, he watched sunoo carefully cover his wound.

he finished the treatment and stood up. sunghoons eyes followed sunoos every move. sunoo came back with a white shirt. he handed it to sunghoon, who only then realized he was half naked. he awkwardly covered his chest befoee accepting the shirt. he took his eyes off of sunoo so that he could put it on. but when he was done, sunoo was not there. sunghoon turned around in time to see him entering his room and locking the door behind him.

'fuck, hes mad.' thought sunghoon.

he sat there in complete silence, thinking. all that thinking made him realize everything. sunoo wasnt mad. he was traumatized. seeing a friend he so closely cared for doing something so idiotic and disgusting almost shattered sunoos fragile heart.

milliseconds after realizing the impact his actions had on his bestfriend, sunghoon sprang from the sofa (he stood up quite fast, which made him dizzy again) and hobble over to sunoos room. he took a deep breath and softly knocked on the door with his undamaged hand.

the door opened and a pair of doe eyes peeked through the gap. "may i come in?" sunghoon asked so politely that he startled himself. sunoo opened the door to let him in, and closed it when sunghoon sat on his bed. sunoo just stood there, staring and his own feet. sunghoon cleared his throat to gain his attention and motioned sunoo to sit next to him.

the moment sunoo sat and made eyecontact with sunghoon, his eyes welled with tears. then, sunghoon did something he would do only for sunoo; he hugged him. it wasnt just a hug. it was a genuine hug, filled with emotion and warmth. he felt hot tears trailing down his neck as sunoo quietly sobbed in his arms.

" lovely sunoo-" sunghoon began in the most comforting voice he could brew up. "-i am so sorry. i am a stupid narcissist who doesnt know how to communicate."

sunoo let out a muffled sniff.

"i hope you know that i never meant to scare you or hurt you, sunoo. youre the only person in this world that i wouldnt dare to hurt by any means."

upon hearing these words, sunoo slowly lifted his head from sunghoons (now tear soaked) arms and looked into his face.

" youre not mad..?"

the innocence and hurtfulness in sunoos voice made sunghoons heart drop to his stomach. "no im not. i wouldnt dare to be mad at that cute face" he said and flashed a kind smile at sunoo. the smile made the color on sunoos face return. "hyung should smile more often. its very charming."

getting such a compliment from sunoo made sunghoons smile turn into a grin, revealing his perfect teeth. sunoo got recalled of the smile sunghoon displays while ice skating. it made him giggle.

but then sunoos eyes widened.

"OH. I FORGOT. i put some food on the stove for you!" he exclaimed.

what sunoo did before leaving was unexpected for sunghoon. he leaned into sunghoons face and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

sunghoon watched sunoo, lips parted in shock, as he leaves the room. he flushed a deep pink when he felt the moist kiss on his cheek beneath his fingers.

goodluck to sunghoon while he tries to stop aggressively blushing before sunoo calls him out to eat.

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[ ahhh i had some troubles finishing this chapter, but i did it so yay! the 3rd chapter will be filled with action so tag along :) ]

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