Chapter 15: Revelations

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Alison's POV

The blurry dream comes to me again seemingly as soon as my eyes drift closed. It's fuzzy. Dark but bright and hot but cold. My mind still can't make sense of it.

Nothing feels right as I try to look around. I can't make out anything. I have no idea why I'm here or where 'here' is even supposed to be. The air is thick in my lungs and I'm sweating. It's eerily familiar.

Confused frustration clouds everything. My eyes shut as I start to cry. But when I open them again I'm somewhere else. Crouched on the floor of the pack dining room. Lagging slightly, I glance around with the tears still running down my face. Broken dishes litter the floor next to me.

Looking up, someone is standing over me. "Chris, what's going on?" I ask, relief flooding me as I try to stand.

I fall back to the floor. My leg aches as I land on my back. Pushing myself up slowly and grabbing my leg, I ignore the ache in my back and head. That's when I realize that I'm smaller than I was before. And I'm wearing clothes that I haven't seen in years.

"It's Alpha," he sneers above me, "and what's going on is that you think you can steal from the pack and pretend not to know it's wrong."

Tears fall faster down my cheeks, "What? No, I would never. You know that." My mind races for an any transgression I may have committed.

He scoffs and slaps me across the face. "I saw you eat the food off those plates. That's not in your job description and you know it. You take the dishes to the kitchen and buy your own fucking food. We don't waste charity on ugly omegas." he berrates me, his voice hard.

I bring my hand up to my face, rubbing it across my lip until it catches blood. My eyes lock on it as I pull it away from my face. He split my lip. "I'm sorry," I gasp out, "I thought it was okay."

"You should stop wasting time and pack resources at school. There's no way you're smart enough to put it to good use." he says darkly, leaning down and grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. "Now, get your disgusting, useless body off this floor and get back to work. You can start with this mess you made."

He tosses me to the floor roughly. My head bumps against the wall, my vision fading out as he walks away.

Screaming. I hear it as soon as my eyes open, sitting up quickly and pulling my knees to my chest. It keeps going on loud in my ears. Hands grab at me rapidly. My muscles shake, confused emotions fuzzing everything around me out.

Where am I?

My head lifts. Tears blur my vision. The room is lit lowly by a lamp. I look around rapidly until my eyes focus on the person sitting up next to me with his hands on my shoulders.

"No!" I scream, pushing myself backwards with all of my strength. I roll over something behind me and land on the floor haphazardly. "Get away from me!" my voice tries to yell more but my throat constricts, making it come out as a weak cry.

My back hits a wall as I scurry back. I hug my knees to my chest, rocking back and forth as sobs wrack me.

He's going to hurt me.

There's a voice to my left. It's too garbled to make out. Nothing is processing but fear. I scoot away from the source of the noise. I'm grabbed anyway and pulled towards them.

"No,no, no..." I repeat as I fight against them. It's no use, I'm pulled closer and my limbs are held to my side. "No, Alpha. Please, don't!" I rasp, my fight leaving me as my muscles tire out and I'm held still.

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