Chapter 18: Ideas

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Cameron's POV

My eyes twitch open in the early hours of the morning. I was barely sleeping anyway. We're too guilty. Dumbass hasn't been able to settle all night. The sun barely peeking through the window is enough for me to call it quits.

I get dressed quickly, not bothering to comb my hair. While I'm waiting for Alison to wake up so I can fix this, I might as well clean up the shattered door in the hallway. Despite my back still aching, I'm proud of her. She's getting so strong. And so brave I almost can't believe it.

All that magic will only get stronger as she does. No one will want to mess with her. I'm definitely regretting it. But that also wasn't really me. It was Dumbass.

'Stop calling me that! I said that I'm fucking sorry!' he whines angrily in my head.

I'm not interested in engaging in anymore repetitive conversations with him. When Alison forgives him, so will I. Which is why I'm cleaning up the wood scattered in front of her room. She'd feel horrible if an omega did it. It was my fault anyway. Technically.

Chris' door opens. I perk up immediately. The almost full garbage bag is still clenched in my hand as I look for blonde hair. Sadly, it's my copycat. "Oh, it's you."

He snorts, "Yeah, it's me. She's too deep asleep to have heard you." His shoulder rests against the door frame as he leans in front of the door. "Why're you doing this at this time? At least lay down if you can't sleep."

It's my turn to snort. "All I can do is think about her. She needs a new door." I tell him. There's already a list of things I need to do in my mind. Cleaning this up and calling the pack builders to put in a new door is at the top of it. Then I should make sure she eats and see how she feels about me after a night of space.

"You're exhausting to look at," his response slows my thoughts. "Call the builders and go lay down. When she wakes up, I'll let you know." he assures me.

I stare at him blankly. How could I just lay there while she's mad at me? But he matches my stare, eyes darkening to black. Leo, the dumbass that he is, doesn't step up. Chris wins. I nod slowly, "Okay, let me finish this and I'll chill."

He relaxes as he nods back at me. "Okay then, stop being stupid." he says, relaxing and turning to go back in his room. Back to her.

"Hey," I stop him. He turns back to me expectantly with his hand on the doorknob. "How mad is she?" I ask.

His eyes squint as he seems to think. "She didn't seem very upset. But, then again, it may have been hard for me to tell." He says, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I laugh sarcastically, "Haha, yes, I know, the walls are thin and we share a bond. Before that, was she really upset?" I ask again. What they did doesn't matter to me. How fucked I am matters a lot.

"She said that she'll get over it. She just wanted some space." He finally tells me. His hand drops off the door knob as he turns back to really look at me. "Listen, we both know Alison. She's a good person and she's smart. Do you really think there's a way that she holds this against you longer than...I think fifteen hours would be pushing the probability levels. You fucked up, own it and relax."

He turns back and goes into his room. The door shuts softly behind him. I know he's right. It's odd, like reverse deja vu. I'm usually helping him fix his fuck up, not the other way around. I don't like it. It may only be twelve minutes but I'm older. I should be the one holding it together, not him.

What happened to me?

Alison's POV

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