Day 2

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Alastor was in the kitchen preparing breakfast before heading off to work. As he was about to eat, he heard a ding coming from the door. He opened it to find a package on his doorstep. He took the package inside and opened it, only to discover human meat and a bottle of medication with his name on the label. After putting away the meat, he took two pills from the bottle and swallowed them. He sighed in relief that the package had arrived on time, as he had finished the last of his medication the night before.

"He was in his office, preparing to visit the test subject. Alastor was heading towards Lucifer's room when he noticed Camilla walking out of Room 5, carrying a little girl who was fast asleep in her arms. Camilla saw Alastor approaching her.

Camila: "Huh back the next day"

Alastor: "Yes, indeed"

Camila: "I guess there was a reason Lilith had chosen you"

Alastor: "What do you mean"

Camilla: "I'm just saying most people that have worked here, usually would quit after their first day"

Alastor: "Why"

Camila: "I don't know, Probably got scared of the patients "

While they were conversing, the little girl suddenly woke up. She rubbed one of her eyes and yawned. She had light brown hair, and light brown skin, and one of her eyes was covered with an eyepatch that had an X on it and the one visible eye is the color black with a white pupil.

Alastor: "If you don't mind me asking who is this little girl"

Camila: "Oh this vaggie she's my patient, I'm in charge of watching her, she's cute isn't she"

Alastor: "Yes she is, you seem quite attached to her"

Camilla: "Well she reminds me of my daughters ....."

As someone walked past one of the rooms, she paused and looked towards the testing room.

Camilla: "Seraphina," she said quietly right before saying: I got to go bye Alastor"

Alastor continued walking toward Lucifer's door. He opened it to see Lucifer glaring at him, as she walked past holding the girl.

Alastor: "Hello"

Lucifer: "Why are you back"

Alastor: "Because it's my job, your room is so bland and white no color"

Lucifer: "Well I like it this way "

Alastor: "mhmm, such bland taste, "

Lucifer: "Well who cares about your opinion"

Alastor:" Moving on, here's your food"

He carefully laid the tray with food on it and passed it to Lucifer,

Lucifer: "I'm not eating this, its probably drugged, again"

Alastor: "No I didn't do anything to it this time, and the reason I did it before was because you wouldn't let me bandage your wounds "

Lucifer remained silent, glaring at Alastor. Alastor sighed and reached into his pocket to retrieve a small toy duck that he had brought along in case he needed it. He knew that Lucifer had a fondness for ducks, so he thought that a toy duck might be appreciated. As soon as Lucifer saw the toy duck, his eyes returned to their normal state and he looked at it in amazement. He had never seen a toy duck before, having only read about ducks or seen pictures of them

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