Just another morning

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Alastor was resting in his house because Lilith told him he didn't need to go in early in the morning, but he was bored being at home with nothing to do, so he went up to visit a beloved friend, he entered the bakery, he looked to see Nifty, and she noticed him and walked over to him.

Nifty: "Alastor"

Alastor: "Hello nifty darling where is Rosie"

Nifty: "She is in the back"

She left to inform Rosie that Alastor was present; she returned with Rosie and walked over to hug him, and he hugged her back, before leading him to the Table with tea ready, and they began chatting away. she even told him that Nifty was upset with her boyfriend because he was no longer a bad boy in her eyes, but they also talked about Susan's new cat; he looked at the clock to see if it was time to visit Lucifer, but then he thought of something to bring for Lucifer.

Alastor: "Rosie, could you prepare me a go box with a cup of tea, cocoa, and a slice of cake"

Rosie: "Sure dear"

She went, only to return with what he asked and hand him the package, he replied thank you, but before leaving, Rosie asked.

Rose: "So who is the special someone, that you ordered for, cause I know you don't like cake or cocoa"

Alastor: "No one just a patient"

Rose: "Just a patient, not the infamous Lucifer you mentioned last time."

Alastor: It's Lucifer, so what is the big deal,.. He's just another patient."

Rose:" Just another patient, If you say so dear"

He couldn't understand what she was implying, so he simply said goodbye.

Lucifer was painting, honored that Alastor had trusted him to tell him about his past. As he painted, he began to feel strange, as if he wanted to attack something and tear it to shreds, but he decided to ignore this feeling and continue painting. He looked over to see the scientist who would draw his blood walk in, with Lilith staring through the glass to ensure nothing happened.

Lucifer: "Here"

He extended his arm for her to take his blood or inject something into his skin; most of the time, they would do it on wings, but not on these days. As the scientists began draining his blood, he felt dizzy and hungry, his mouth drooling. Lilith noticed this and ran inside the room to inject something into his arm. After a few seconds, Lucifer felt like himself again and no longer felt the desire to kill.

Lucifer: "What was that"

Lilith: "An antidote for the last vial I gave you, I didn't anticipate the vail to have this effect."

Lucifer: "Don't give me that again I felt weird because of it and why give me that vial if you didn't know the effect"

Lilith: "I won't,...I merely wanted to try something, and all I can tell you is that it will benefit Alastor after all don't you want to help him."

Lucifer: "Help him, wait"

Lilith: "Don't tell me you forgot I have cameras everywhere, but I never imagined you'd get so close with each other... Anyway, continue. "

The scientist finished extracting his blood, but before departing, she handed him a dark blue bottle, which he gulped down.

Lilith: "ok let's go to room blue"

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