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As I'm about to make myself some coffee, Luciano walks into the kitchen.

"It's been 42 hours, Ariella," he says.

"Here we go again," I mutter, turning around to face him.

"Why can't you just tell me?" he demands.

"Because it's none of your business," I reply, trying to keep my tone steady.

"You're my wife," he steps closer, his presence almost suffocating. "Of course it's my business."

"Then why didn't you ask my brother or father?" I challenge.

"I did, but they refused to tell me," he admits.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself. "If I tell you, promise you won't start to pity me?" I ask.

"I promise," he assures me.

Reluctantly, I begin to recount the events of that fateful night when I was 19, how I felt scared and vulnerable, and how it inspired me to become an assassin for self-protection.

As I speak, I notice anger flickering in Luciano's eyes, his jaw clenched in frustration.

"Did he touch you?" He asks, his voice laced with anger.

"Nope, but he tried to multiple times" I respond and his expression darkens further

"I'm gonna kill him"

"Thanks, but I'm not that little girl anymore, I can protect myself" I reassure.

Luciano Rey Delgado

Anger consumes me as Ariella recounts the horror of her kidnapping and captivity. He kidnapped my Ariella, tortured her, and held her captive for months. My blood boils at the mere thought of it.

I had thought it was just a twisted obsession, not a brutal kidnapping and torture. The depth of her suffering is unimaginable.

Now, all I feel is an overwhelming need to protect her, to ensure that she never faces such horrors again. I couldn't have guessed the extent of what she had endured.

"Calm down, Luciano, it's in the past," she says, her voice steady despite the gravity of the situation.

"How can I fucking calm down when he dared to touch what is mine?" I snap, feeling a surge of possessiveness.

"We'll find him and end him... soon," she assures me, her determination matching mine.

I glance at the time on my phone and realize I have to leave. "I'll see you later," I say before storming out of the kitchen, my mind consumed by thoughts of revenge.

Ariella Anna Accardi

I pour myself a cup of coffee, trying to stave off the boredom that's been gnawing at me since I arrived. I miss Lia, and being stuck here without a mission is driving me insane.

Finally, I decide I can't wait any longer. I need to get back into the game. I head upstairs to my room and power up my assassin phone. Call after call comes in until I finally answer one.

After gathering all the details about the target and the job, I hang up. I know I can't just stroll out the front door, so I opt for the window.

In my mission suit and armed to the teeth, I leap from the second-floor window, landing gracefully on my feet. But my escape doesn't go unnoticed. One of Luciano's guards spots me.

Damn. With cameras everywhere, sneaking out just got a whole lot harder.

The guard approaches, questioning my departure. I try to play it cool, but he recognizes me as the Serpente.

Thinking quickly, I strike a deal. I'll leave quietly if he keeps his mouth shut and erases any evidence of my escape. He agrees, and I make my way to the gate.

With his help, I slip through the gate and demand the keys to one of Luciano's cars. After a brief struggle, he relents, handing over the keys to a grey Mercedes.

I speed off to the mission location, a golf club of all places. I wait impatiently for my target to finish his game, eager to get the job done.


It's been hours of waiting outside the golf club, but finally, my target emerges, driving his vintage Porsche. Too bad for him, because I'm about to make a mess of that beautiful car.

As he drives off, I take aim with my pistol and shoot out his tire, causing the car to careen into a nearby wall. I take my time strolling over to the wreckage, where the man emerges from the car, attempting to flee. I swiftly shoot him in the leg, bringing him to the ground.

Approaching him, I draw my knife from my pocket. 'Stop!' he pleads, but I silence him with a swift slash across his neck, ending his screams and closing his eyes for good. With the job done, I call my mission contact to inform him of the success, ensuring my payment.

Returning to Luciano's car, parked nearby, I climb in and start the engine.

Returning to the mansion, I opt for the front door this time, hoping to evade any unwanted attention. Thankfully, my entrance goes unnoticed as I make my way upstairs and head straight to my room.

To my surprise, Luciano is already seated on my bed as I open the door. "I'm shocked you didn't use the window," he remarks casually.

Closing the door behind me, I enter the room, feeling a mixture of surprise and curiosity.


"Luciano..." I begin awkwardly, unsure of how to explain my sudden return.

He looks at me sternly. "Mind telling me where you went?" he asks, his tone serious.

"I was just downstairs," I reply quickly, hoping to brush off any suspicion.

He doesn't seem convinced. "Dressed like that?" he counters, closing the distance between us.

I falter, realizing Bob must have betrayed me. "I'm sure you thought your threats would work on him, but all of my men are undyingly loyal to me," Luciano remarks, his grip tightening as he pulls me closer.

"You've been a bad girl," he chides, listing off my transgressions. "Sneaking out, threatening Bob, and even stealing my car," he continues, his tone tinged with both annoyance and concern.

"I can protect myself, Delgado," I assert defiantly.

"Is that so?" he challenges, his emerald eyes locking with mine as he leans in closer.

I feel a shiver run down my spine as his breath brushes against my skin. His hands roam to my ass, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through me.

Then, unexpectedly, he confesses his desire, his words igniting a fire within me. "Why don't you eat my pussy then?" I retort boldly, unable to resist teasing him.

A smile tugs at his lips, his grip tightening slightly. "I'm afraid I might get addicted and might need to do it often," he admits.

My heart races at his response, the tension between us palpable. "I wouldn't mind you eating my pussy often," I confess, feeling a rush of arousal at the thought.

"Really?" he responds, his eyes gleaming with desire.

Without hesitation, I press closer to him, our lips nearly touching. "Fuck me then," I murmur, the words slipping out before I can stop them.

A grin spreads across his face as he leans in to kiss me passionately, his hands pulling me closer as the intensity between us grows.

As he pulls away from the kiss, I find myself breathless, my desire for him reaching a fever pitch. "Fuck me," I repeat, my boldness surprising even myself.

"I don't know if you can handle me, wifey," he teases, his voice dripping with arousal.

"I can," I assure him, my own desire matching his.

With a devilish grin, he captures my lips once more, igniting a passion between us that I know will consume us both.

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