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Gunshots echo throughout the building as the girls and I scramble for cover behind a big wooden box that looks like it was used to transport shipments.

Sofia rises to her feet, her aim precise as she takes down the man who announced our presence. "15," she declares as he collapses to the ground.

Amidst the chaos, I chuckle before swiftly hurling my dagger at one of the men, aiming for his skull. With a sickening thud, he collapses to the ground, blood splattering everywhere.

Seizing the opportunity, the girls and I emerge from behind the wooden box, dodging the hail of bullets fired by the remaining men.

With swift and precise movements, I yank my dagger from the lifeless man's skull, immediately thrusting it into another mans heart.

Meanwhile, Vicky expertly fires her gun, taking down three of the men with deadly accuracy. They collapse to the ground.

Lia, true to her style, opts for a more hands-on approach, viciously beating her targets to a bloody pulp before delivering the final blow with her gun.

By the time I'm killing the third guy, my clothes are already drenched with blood from the men I killed.

"This is too easy." Sofia chuckles, killing the guy in front of her.

One guy tries to swing at me, but I swiftly duck, causing him to stumble. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly slit his throat, watching as his lifeless body crumples to the ground.

Once we've killed all of them in like 40 minutes, we leave the warehouse and head back into the car.

"Well, that was fun," Vicky remarks. We all chuckle.

Killing people may be my favourite hobby other than reading books, Of course.

Sofia starts the engine and drives us back to the mansion.



I make my way downstairs, heading towards the kitchen. Suddenly the door swings open, revealing Luciano's friend from the work dinner.

"Mrs. Delgado," he greets with a smile.

I offer a polite smile in return. "You can just call me Ariella... Paul, right?"

"Yeah, it's Paul," he confirms.

"What are you doing here?" I inquire, curious about his unexpected visit.

"I'm here to see Luciano," he explains.

With a nod, I step into the kitchen, allowing him to continue on his way.

Luciano Rey Delgado

I'm interrupted from a call with Mateo by knock on my office door.

"Come in," I call out, and the door swings open to reveal Paul.

"Hey, Paul," I greet him with a nod.

"Thanks for coming," I add, shaking his hand as he takes a seat across from my desk. Without delay, we dive into our business discussion.

After our discussion, Paul nods and stands up, ready to leave my office.

Ariella Anna Accardi

As I finish breakfast in the kitchen, I prepare to head upstairs. Spotting Paul on his way out, I don't pay him much mind until he says "Ariella" just before we cross paths.

"Paul?" I respond, turning to face him.

Paul steps closer, his tone casual yet invasive. "You and Luciano don't really seem like a genuine couple," he observes, his words laced with a hint of condescension. "I'm one of Luciano's closest friends. If he was getting married, he would've invited me to the wedding. Yet, here you are, his wife, and I wasn't invited."

His audacity irritates me. "Cut to the chase," I demand, my patience wearing thin.

"I overheard Luciano talking to someone named Mateo, and he mentioned that your marriage is arranged." "But that's none of my concern," he quickly adds, getting to his real motive. "I just want to take you out for lunch. Luciano doesn't need to know. After all, you two aren't even in love, so he probably wouldn't mind."

I can't help but burst into laughter at his audacious proposition. "You stopped me just to ask me out for lunch?" I manage between laughs, but my amusement fades when I see the seriousness in Paul's expression.

"At least give me your number," he requests.

Reluctantly, I agree to give him my number, i guess his harmless messages can serve as my daily affirmations.

"Thank you," Paul says once he has my number before leaving.

Turning back to look ahead, I see Luciano standing at the top of the stairs.

Did he hear the conversation Paul and I just had?

I make my way to the top of the stairs."Why did you give him your number?" Luciano's voice is stern, demanding an explanation.

"Because he asked for it," I respond, rolling my eyes in frustration.

Luciano's tone becomes commanding. "Stay away from him, Ariella. Don't answer his calls or texts. I don't want you involved with any other man as long as you're married to me."

"I don't care if this is an arranged marriage or not," he murmurs as he walks away.

I refuse to be bossed around by him. Since he is trying to control me, I'll do the exact opposite.

Luciano Rey Delgado

Hearing Paul's audacious request infuriated me. The mere suggestion that because Ariella and I aren't in love, it's acceptable for him to pursue her, ignited a fierce possessiveness within me. She's mine, entirely mine. Seeing her give him her number only intensified my anger. I've never felt this possessive over anyone before, especially someone like Ariella.

Thanks so much for reading.
Drama in the next chapter??
Find out.

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