Chapter 15

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Declan's POV

My phone ringing pulled us from our state of bliss. It was now out in the open I could take the words back. I couldn't turn around and run from these feelings that were building.

Pulling it from my pocket I saw it had no caller ID. Acid burned in the pit of my stomach knowing who was waiting on the other end of that line.

"I'll join you in a bit. I have to take this." I pressed my lips to her forehead and ran up the steps to my office.

"What!" I snarled into the phone and a dry chuckle rang out.

"That little stunt you pulled isn't going to be enough to keep me away." I could tell by his tone that I was getting under his skin despite his words.

"What, I figured you would like to know about our upcoming nuptials." Now I was smirking knowing what buttons I was pressing.

"She looked beautiful today trying on gowns." My throat went dry. He was having her followed I was sure of it; he was just laying in wait to take her back.

"This will be your last warning: leave her be or when I get my hands on you you'll wish that you'd never touched a hair on her head." My voice was low and dangerous. If I could come through this phone I would.

"No, this is your last warning. I'm coming for her when you least expect it. When I get her she'll stand no chance. Trust me she's more hassle than she's worth." I know his threats aren't empty, he means every word of it and he's going to stop at nothing.

"I'll be seeing you soon Declan, hope you're not too attached to your whore." The line went dead before I could fire back with any angry protest.

I let out a yell of frustration and threw my phone. It hit the wall shattering into pieces.

"What did it do to you?" Tommy asked, walking into my office Jessie hot on his heels.

"Gray called." I led and watched Jessie's face fall and Tommy's twist up into something that both excited and scared me.

"What's the plan boss?" Tommy's sinister face gave me hope we would win this war. That man would go to hell and back with me if I simply asked him no questions.

"I'm not sure but we have to do something. First I need our people to do what they can to flush out all his members around this area. Gather any information on where he lives, what he drives, anything no matter how small." Tommy nodded and got on the phone already barking orders.

Jessie watched me chaotically pace the room. Before he cleared his throat catching my attention.

"Just spit it out." I growled at him knowing what he was going to say before it even came out.

"You have to tell her. You can't just leave her in the dark unknowing." He tried to deliver it as a soft blow but it felt like a full punch to the gut.

"I don't think she can handle it." I plopped down with a grunt in my seat pouring a drink.

"Declan, that isn't for you to decide. We all know she's been through-" I cut him off because that was just a blatant lie.

"We don't know tho we can assume what we think happened but I have a sneaking that even in our wildest nightmares we have no clue the hell she went through." I was so conflicted at this point if I told her I knew it could send her into a spiral if I didn't tell her and she found out any semblance of trust we built could be burned to the ground.

"That isn't your call, your job if you actually care about her is to support and love her through the hard. To keep her safe and give her room to grieve and process, not hide her from the danger she's in." His words unlocked something in me, something primal. The urge to save her the need to protect her from anyone or anything that could hurt her.

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