Part 22 - 32 years later...

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The sun hit my eyes as I woke up. 

"How long did I sleep?" I muttered. 

After I defeated Ripper and made sure that The Purge was over, the first thing that came to my mind was to go home and sleep. After everything that just happened, I did not have the energy to do anything else. It was very likely that I would have to give another speech, but this time I was excited for the opportunity rather than seeing it as an obligation. 

I managed to beat the fighters ranked 11th - 8th in The Vipers, though Shockwave died, and became much stronger after I regained most of my confidence back. The strength of my lightning was directly proportional to the strength of my confidence, and having no confidence, I struggled, but now, after talking to the ninja in the other realm, I became determined and won the fight. 

My eyes searched the room until it met the screen of my digital clock. 

It read 4:22 P.M. 

The Purge ended at 6 A.M. and I reached home at 6:45 A.M. after making sure that the police took Ripper to prison. I had to change, so I went to sleep at approximately 7 A.M. I slept for more than 9 hours.

I turned on my laptop to check the news, knowing what the headlines would be filled with today. 

32 years later(Addressing The Purge)...

When one is surrounded by multiple bad events, a simple good event is enough to break the omen of bad luck cast around said person. It's like a spark of light in the darkness, a reminder that we can continue when uncertain. 

It has been 32 YEARS since a Purge has occurred where there were ZERO casualties. The Purge 32 years ago was one where The Vipers never attacked in the first place, so I don't even know if something like that should count. 

Power-Punch has done something that even Electro-Punch couldn't during his era: secure a Purge where nobody died. The death toll of a regular purge goes up to almost 10,000 recorded, with multiple thousands being completely undocumented. 

Yet, this Purge was different: the number dwindled down from greater than 10,000 to ZERO. There could have been some undocumented deaths, but if the documented deaths go down from 10,000 to 0, then that's a sign of an insane change. 

Multiple senators have now expressed their support for Power-Punch and want him to deliver a speech to the city in the evening. I'll probably be there as well, but you'll never find me :)

I know that we have all been going through hard times because of what The Vipers have done; I also live in the same city as you guys and am not in The Sanction, so I am also in danger every step I take. 

But now, I know that I can make a difference with the help of Power-Punch. I know from the bottom of my heart that he has what it takes to free the city from The Vipers and defeat Deathstroke. We need to be there for him; he's doing all of this for us only. We need to have each other's back. 

So, if you have any negative feelings towards Power-Punch, please realize that he's doing whatever he's doing for our own betterment, for the betterment of society. He's going to take down The Vipers, and you as an individual will be the one enabling that to happen. 

With the elite fighters being taken down, there is the ranked 7th fighter, and god knows where he is: he's off the radars. We can confidently say that the executives are next. The executives each have a godlike power, something that will likely be hard for our hero to overcome. But again, rather than giving up, let's support our friend throughout his way. He was betrayed at his old home according to his last speech, so let's make sure he has a new one. 

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