Chapter 3

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Usually, when Sir Shubart warns someone to be careful, they will run away in a panic. Or they become as quiet as a dead mouse and start to listen well while nodding their heads.

Sometimes, they disappear without a trace.
I'm not sure why. No, I don't want to know about it.

Anyway, I didn't intend to go out, so I headed straight for the stairs to the second floor. I could hear their conversation as I walked up, but it wasn't important. Of course, the important story will come out after I'm gone from there.
The wooden floor creaked all the way up the stairs and down the hallway. I may be used to it now, but the sound ringing in my ears isn't good at all.

I opened the hallway window instead of trying to enter my room. There was still a blizzard outside, unaware of the subject.
I didn't close the window right away and stuck out my head a little more in a cold but more refreshing feeling than I thought.

Actually, there is another reason why I'm a little impatient to get out. I was going to pile up a lot of firewood this time and not go out for a while.
According to the original story, the prince will come here soon. Valery Ahibara Kasinev, the second son of the protagonists. In the original, I would corrupt his mind.

If what I remembered from the original story is correct, he would come to the North while hiding his identity in mid-January, the coldest time of the year.

He will leave the capital and arrive in the North in about three days. On the surface, his reason for coming here was for inspection as well as to boost the morale of the lords who managed the North.

However, I couldn't remember the exact date, so I was planning to stay away from encountering people for about two weeks. I wanted to avoid seeing my mother as much as possible too. Still, the unexpected arrival of Sir Shubart made me a little nervous. By any chance, seeing him can make me speed up the plan.


If I knew this would happen, I thought I should have read each letter of the original book seriously. However, it is already useless. It had already been close to 20 years since I read it, and even the memories I knew were fuzzy.
I even forgot part of my childhood memories, so only remembering this much is already a good thing.

The wind, which felt fresh, was already cold.
Like my mother, I'm the type of person who can get cold easily, so I really hated winter. It's not because I'm capricious.

I hurriedly closed the window and headed to my room. I didn't even leave my room until Sir Shubart came to my room

The dinner table was much grandly than in the morning. It was because Sir Shubart is here. He did a great job cooking by himself. Every time I saw his unexpected appearance, I became quite curious about his existence.

I call him Sir Shubart, but he certainly has the title of nobility. He has a lot of money, and there's nothing he can't do.
Sometimes I even wondered if he was living for the 5th time of his life.

"Did you not like it?"

After thinking for a moment without entering the dining room, Sir Shubart looked at me. I guess he thought I stood still because I didn't want to eat it.

"Uh... No. I'm going to eat it. Do you need my help?"

I asked, even though I knew he had already done it all. At the same time, he shrugged.

"It's not a big deal. Sit down. I'll call Lu."


He put my chair in and left the dining room to call my mother. Knowing she wouldn't come, I leaned my chin and waited for him to return.
'One, two, three, four...' Counting the numbers inside.

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