A Special Alpha, A Special Omega

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"Liam!" Yoo Jin yelled as his eyes sprang open and his body propelled off soft, satin sheets. He jerked forward and heaved between labored breaths. His vision was still blurry as he dragged himself forward, inevitably missing his purchase and falling flat onto the ground below him.

"Liam!" he yelled again, his vision slowly returning as he continued to crawl, his legs still tangled up in the soft sheets as loose pillows scattered beside him.

He heard the sounds of a door open somewhere in front of him and he strained his eyes to see. "Liam?" he called out.

"Mr. Tae?" came a voice from above him and he felt a hand was placed on his shoulder. "Mr. Tae?" the man said again. It was a voice he did not recognize. "Hold on a moment, I see your glasses."

A second later, they were placed on his face and he looked at the man before him, a stranger in a white lab coat. He looked around expecting to see a hospital room but instead saw that he was in a small dormitory room of some sort.

"Are you alright?" the man asked. He was now crouched beside him, his face level with his.

"Where is Liam?" Yoo Jin gasped at the stranger.

The doctor assessed his face for a moment. "There was another man that was admitted with you - tall, long, silver hair – is that who you are referring to?"

Yoo Jin suddenly grabbed at him. "Is he alright?"

Unfazed, the doctor merely helped him up. "He is fine, merely sleeping as of now." And despite Yoo Jin's protest, he helped him back into the bed. "I advise you not to move so much just yet," he continued. "You may see your friend in a few days' time. He will need a bit more time than you to recover but from my assessment, no major injuries were made internally to his body." He paused then and Yoo Jin's stomach suddenly felt like lead. "However... his face...." The doctor sighed. "There are a significant number of scars and burn marks upon his body and face. The skin will heal in time but I'm afraid they will never go back to the way they used to be."

Yoo Jin made a sudden move to stand once more but the doctor merely pushed him back down and in his weakened state, he had no choice but to oblige. "I need to see him," he hissed.

But the doctor merely shook his head. "As I have mentioned, he needs rest. He is in the infirmary, in one of our most secluded rooms. Once he is awake and is willing to take guests, I will call for you but for now, you must trust me."

"I don't even know who you are."

The doctor let out a small smile. "Well that is true so then why don't you ask me some questions? Aren't you at least a bit curious as to where this is?"

Yoo Jin paused, looking once more about him. The room was larger than his studio apartment but sparse in furniture, consisting of only the basics: a desk, a chair, and a bed. All three were made up of a noticeably well made material, however, they were humble in appearance, empty of all forms of decor. "Where am I?"

The doctor took that moment to push him back down as he gathered the pillows from the floor and placed it back behind his head. "You're in a dormitory room in a place called 'The Academy' and" he peered at him closely, "it's in Swallow Mountain."

Yoo Jin blinked. "Swallow Mountain... but that's –"

"Impossible, yes. The mist that surrounds it makes it incredibly dangerous but the mist is artificial as we planted it."

Yoo Jin gazed at the doctor in confusion. "What?"

"Your arms," the doctor said suddenly and Yoo Jin looked down at them, nearly every inch of skin besides his fingers were wrapped up in gauze.

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