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Whispers surrounded him.

Yoo Jin hadn't expected the examination to be a school wide spectacle. The entire academy looked as though they were there for the event.

Yoo Jin walked forward, his knee buckled slightly but thanks to the large robe he had been given by the doctor earlier that day, which he assumed must have belonged to some alpha trainee, he had been able to hide that momentary show of weakness.

He looked around as he continued to walk. He had never seen so many alphas in one place before. If he had to guess, there were at least a hundred or so of them, all distinguishable by their heights and their fancy little outfits, similar but not quite as extravagant as the ones the councilmen had worn.

Littered amongst the alphas were individuals of slightly smaller builds. They, Yoo Jin assumed, were the alphas' omegas judging by their beautiful faces and clothes that reminded him of attire worn by the courtesans of a long dead age, though admittedly his knowledge was based purely on what he had read in mangas. The outfits were made of colors slightly paler than the outfits of their alphas beside them, embellished with golden thread sewn into intricate patterns and they wore gold accessories topped with jeweled teardrops or flowers in their hair. It was clear that these omegas were noticeably more splendid than any omega he had met before and that included, most especially, the one he saw in the mirror.

Yoo Jin cleared his throat as he continued to walk, brushing down the wrinkles in the gray robe that had somehow formed in just the hour since he had put it on. He discretely tried to pat down his hair but felt the unruly tufts immediately pop back up.

Damn, if he'd ever let June cut his hair again.

Yoo Jin took another step and felt his left knee buckle once more. He grimaced inwardly and stumbled slightly as a sharp pain shot up his leg, stemming from his bandaged foot and shin.

He felt a hand grip his arm and he looked up to see Tae Hyun, his face grim and as always serious. For a moment, Yoo Jin looked at him as they continued to walk. The alpha wore his official ceremony robes, the only purple amongst the crowd and they were beautiful, rivaling those of the councilmen. Gold embellishment waved intricately at the waist and sleeves and a sash of deep navy blue with gold embroidery of feline symbols hung about his hips. Even Yoo Jin couldn't help but think that the alpha looked magnificent in that moment.

That is, if he ignored the bleak mirthlessness upon his beautiful face.

Yoo Jin let out a small cough to hide the sudden laughter. Tae Hyun turned to him quickly and he could see the brief flash of concern in his eyes; Yoo Jin simply smiled in a cheap attempt at reassurance.

The look upon the alpha's face was stern but he could see the concern still beneath the gaze. He was trying to look tough but to Yoo Jin, his actions were further evidence of his childlike innocence. It was clear that he was worried about Yoo Jin's participation in the examination and while he wasn't completely certain if that worry stemmed from his possible failure or for him as a person, he had found himself more than willing to bet that it was the latter.

He had never found out exactly what had happened in that cave the previous day. Everything he knew had come from Chief Tak's explanation where apparently, Yoo Jin had successfully given her the mana burst she had originally sought but it had happened in a completely unexpected manner.

According to her, about three or so hours after he had entered the crevice, they had heard a scream from within the wall. But the scream had been warped as if it was being pushed out from within something, it hadn't sounded like him at all. They had called out to him then, expecting the echoes produced by the cave to carry their voices but only silence had replied.

Then as Chief Tak was preparing to split open the cave walls, a bright blinding light had seeped through the holes and the cracks beside them and a moment later, the wall burst forth in a surge so powerful, a nearby willow tree had split clean in half. Tae Hyun had rushed forth and found him unconscious, his leg bleeding, blood seeping into the water around him.

When Yoo Jin had finally come to, he had found himself back in Tae Hyun's room and the day had already turned to night, which meant that the time for training was already over. Doctor Yoon had banaged up Yoo Jin's leg, thankfully the damage had been mostly superficial though he had lost some blood and a large scar now ran down from his shin to his foot.

Tae Hyun and Chief Tak had arrived only moments after his waking and he could see that they too had been marred by the day's events, cuts and bruises were clear on their skin but like the gashes produced by the 'ghost' attack, they were already healing.

Yoo Jin had told them what had happened in the crevice, how something had grabbed at his leg and pulled him down, wedging his foot into a crack and thus preventing him from floating back up to take a breath of the much needed air. Tae Hyun and the doctor had looked at him in confusion and concern, as though they were thinking that Yoo Jin had hit his head at some point in the cave. But Chief Tak's face had turned grim and she had immediately turned to Tae Hyun, instructing him to do a search of the perimeter of the cave.

When Yoo Jin had asked why, she had looked back at him with a curious expression, stating that there might have been a dungeon break beneath the structure.

Tae Hyun and the doctor had looked at her in confusion.

"How?" the latter had said. "We've mapped the locations of all the dungeons."

"Take Sera and tell no one else," she ordered Tae Hyun in hush tones that demanded absolute obedience. Tae Hyun nodded and his eyes had met Yoo Jin's briefly before leaving the room in quiet, hushed footsteps.

Then Chief Tak turned back to answer the doctor's question. "Despite what the council says, we don't know the locations of all the dungeons. It is rare but there have been stories of dungeon doors being created suddenly out of thin air. We don't know why, there have been too few instances to study. It has also been speculated that if a dungeon entrance has been dormant from a time before our records, its presence would not likely be detected by us."

"But our trackers –"

The chief shook her head. "The Council wants the public to believe that they are foolproof."

"But a dungeon materializing right within our territory...."

"We don't know conclusively if it is a dungeon or not but... if it is then it is likely a very old one."

The doctor grew quiet before speaking again, "That's why you sent Tae Hyun and Sera... as a precaution."

Chief Tak nodded in reply but spoke no more.

"So then," said Yoo Jin, not quite following but understanding enough to speak up. "You believe me."

Chief Tak turned to him. "You were completely of sound mind before entering that cave." She paused. "That burst was the result of a destabilization of your emotions, though I can't say for certain that there was something that had pulled you down into the water but the fact of the matter is, something had produced a terrifyingly potent response from within you. If it does happen to be an unlikely dungeon break then–."

She paused and looked at him curiously. "It is strange," she said slowly, "that such a thing would happen to you twice."

"Perhaps I'm unlucky," he said with a weak grin, attempting to crack the serious expression upon the old woman's face.

But she did not smile, instead her expression grew even more grim. "If it turns out that it is, in fact, a dungeon break," she said, her voice low, "then yes... I would say that you are very unlucky indeed."

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