Chapter 37 Pan Zhanshi vs Chen Huo

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"Let the battle... begin!" the judge yelled. His voice boomed throughout the arena.

Pan Zhanshi cycled several martial skills in quick succession the instant the words left the judge's lips. His entire body and even his clothes became shrouded in darkness as though he were made out of inky black smoke.

Then a miniature eclipse appeared in the air above the stage and plunged the area into unnatural darkness. A darkness that carried Pan Zhanshi's aura within it.

Pan Zhanshi held out his hand and a long blade comprised of his strange, rich, dark qi sprouted in his grip an instant before he faded into nothingness. As though he simply ceased to exist. Even the signature of his aura faded away until the only hint of it was within the strange darkness that covered the stage.

Shadowy tendrils crept their way up out of the ground, slithering their way up Chen Huo's boots and armored body like tree roots. But he remained standing impassively, still with that smug smirk upon his face as though all of this were simply an amusement. His palm still rested upon the pommel of his sword as though he couldn't be bothered even to draw his blade.

Silence reigned.

Jie saw a flicker of concern pass over Chen Huo's perfect features as he somehow sensed something that she did not. He turned as golden light exploded out of his back, burning away the shadowy tendrils and forming into dense feathery wings of fiery golden qi.

A tortured shriek like metal scraping on metal filled the air as Pan Zhanshi materialized out of nowhere behind Chen Huo. Pan Zhanshi's sword was angled to stab into Chen Huo's back, but Chen Huo's golden wings swept the blade aside in a perfect parry.

Chen Huo spun, whirling with his wings outstretched and Pan Zhanshi fell backward. Yet, when Pan Zhanshi hit the stage, he dropped beneath the surface of it, the shadows rippling like water as he re-emerged twenty feet away.

Yet, despite his speed, an ugly cut now marred the front of Pan Zhanshi's robes and chest.

Chen Huo's smirk only grew in response. "Apologies, I didn't see you there. I didn't hurt you by accident, did I?" he asked.

Pan Zhanshi's expression was impossible to read shrouded and rippling with shadow as it was but Jie couldn't imagine he was pleased.

Where Pan Tian's qi was light and bright, her bother's was dark and sinister like shadow. He was at the same cultivation level as his sister, but Jie felt he might actually be stronger. Especially in a one-on-one fight.

Even so, Pan Zhanshi seemed hopelessly outmatched and the knot of worry inside Jie only grew.

Pan Zhanshi raised his blade and dazzling silvery white lights appeared in an arc behind and above him like stars twinkling in the darkness of the night sky.

The stars shot toward Chen Huo like comets as Pan Zhanshi dropped through the shadowed surface of the stage as though he'd struck water feet first.

Chen Huo leaped aside, his golden wings flapping as he evaded the myriad stars shooting toward him. Each of which missed and impacted the stage with loud, dazzling explosions. While Chen Huo was distracted, Pan Zhanshi appeared behind him once more. This time stepping out of the shadows, the tip of his blade angled for Chen Huo's upper back.

Pan Zhanshi stabbed at Chen Huo, but Chen Huo's speed surged, and he dodged to the side as though he had eyes in the back of his head. Chen Huo whirled around and caught Pan Zhanshi's sword arm, forcing Pan Zhanshi to keep his arm extended as Chen Huo drove the heel of his palm into Pan Zhanshi's elbow.

Pan Zhanshi's arm broke with a sickening snap and Jie heard a muffled scream escape between Pan Zhanshi's grimly sealed lips.

Jie sprang to her feet, but a hand clamped over her mouth and she was yanked back and away. The world around her whirled in a dizzying flash of purple and she found herself in a hallway, staring into Elder Shi's eyes with the sounds of the fight continuing down one side. The older woman held Jie up and against the wall, her legs kicking uselessly at the air beneath her as she squirmed in Elder Shi's grip.

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