Chapter 42 Rewards Ceremony

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Jie scoffed. The judge practically leaped at the chance to save Chen Huo from further pain. If only he'd done the same for Chen Huo's victims. Anger burned in her heart even as she looked coolly upon Chen Huo's whimpering form being carried away by healers.

She gradually reduced her lightning step skill back to nothing and tried not to let the relief show on her face as she did so.

"The top three have been decided! Due to... the events of the final round, we shall wait for Chen Huo to recover enough for the awards ceremony where our headmaster shall present the prizes to the strongest three of the younger generation!" the judge said, "Please, feel free to partake of refreshments. It won't be long now."

Jie hopped off the stage and strode over to where Ithilix sat in the stands.

"Most impressive, Princess," Ithilix said.

Jie shrugged. "He was weaker than I expected," she said.

Ithilix nodded. "This one is very grateful that you held back so much in your fight with this one. If you had not... this one shudders to think of dying so soon," she said.

Jie laughed. "I'm not that scary," she said.

"Forgiveness, but this one disagrees," Ithilix said with a shiver.

"That was quite impressive. Though, one wonders whether you have it in you to survive the consequences of your actions," said a handsome young man who radiated power. Not as much as some of those in the audience, but definitely one of the strongest. He looked human, as did most of those in the stands, but his accent was slightly different. And he smelled like the ocean.

Jie gave a respectful bow to the stronger man. "Time will tell," she said.

The man chuckled. "Brazen and yet reserved. I think I like you. Perhaps you should think of joining my clan should you survive," he said.

"I'm sure it would be an honor," Jie said carefully. It wouldn't do to make any promises to people she owed nothing to. Besides, her plans would take her far beyond the power of any of these clans. It was success or death.

"Wisely answered," said the man, "well, I'd better go gossip with the rest of these so-called experts. Take care of yourself Liu Jie."

The man flickered and vanished, but Jie felt his power not far away. No doubt doing exactly what he said. Jie wondered how many offers she'd get after her display.

After half an hour, but what felt like a thousand years, the answer became clear. A lot.

None of them were willing to offer her anything now though. Everything they said came with the caveat that she get stronger and somehow survive the retribution the Chen family was sure to bring.

Perhaps she'd made a mistake making an enemy of a family everyone seemed to fear.

"Hey you," Pan Tian said as she pushed through the crowd to Jie, followed by her brother.

"Hey back," Jie said.

Pan Tian frowned. "Is that all you have to say after what you did? That was super impressive!" she said.

"And dangerous," Pan Zhanshi added.

Jie shrugged. "What kind of cultivator sits back and does nothing about their friends being hurt like that?" she asked.

Pan Tian giggled. "Most of them?" she asked.

"Tch," Jie said, "then they're weak. No matter how high their cultivation."

A few elders looked her way as though having heard her, and she returned their gazes evenly before bringing her attention back to Pan Tian.

"I only wish I could've done more. He deserved to truly suffer," Jie said.

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