~Chapter 15~

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My mind whirled. Anxiousness grew like a weed inside my heart. My heart thumped wildly in my ears like a drum. I felt an intense murderous gaze. I glanced over at the orc. For a moment, we locked gazes. Its eyes were as black as the void. An intense pressure pushed down on me, sucking away the air in my lungs. It was like gravity had magnified its strength by ten fold. Sweat dripped down my back. Shaking, I checked again to see nothing was out of the ordinary. Its eyes were still closed. The pressure had magically vanished too. Everything felt surreal, like a dream.

I focused all my efforts on conjuring up a plan. Time was beginning to run out. The weaker goblins had began to organise themselves under the command of the two handed axe goblin. The orc on top of the throne seemed unbothered by the events unfolding. It remained in place, still resting atop its throne.

Orcs and goblins were of different species. It was highly likely the orc viewed the goblins as indispensable chest pieces – merely a means to an end. Therefore, it would only step in if its pawns were defeated. After all, why should the king make a move when it is its subjects job to protect it? Suddenly, as if a light bulb had gone off, an idea popped into my mind. Elated, I pulled Renna close to me and whispered the plan to her.

"Let's focus on defeating the weaker goblins first. When they lower their guards, I will target the three stronger ones. You focus on annihilating the remaining weaker ones."

Renna nodded in agreement. Then she looked worriedly over at the green orc. "What about the big guy over there? Sigh. I bet he was the one that caused the goblins to start to operate in groups."

"We'll handle it as it comes."

Renna leapt into my arms and hugged me. Her petite body was shivering. I wrapped my arms around her dainty shoulders. "Don't you dare die on me Kocho. I'll never forgive you if you do," Renna stared at me. There was a slight quiver in her voice that gave away her anxiousness. However, her tone was firm and absolute.

I ruffled her hair and smiled. "I won't die nor will you," I stated.

"Hmph, that's a promise then. Try to keep up with me," Renna said bravely.

She let go of me and summoned her sword. The metal blade coldly glinted. She closed her eyes briefly and took in a few deep breaths. When she reopened her eyes, determination to survive shone through. She clutched the hilt of her sword and pointed it at the army of goblins. She exuded an aura of a valiant warrior.

"You bunch of ugly buffoons. You're soo stupid. Haha, you even allowed an orc to take over. If you're not trash then what are you?" scolded Renna.

The crowd of goblins instantly became enraged. Their eyes became blood shot as they stared at Renna with hatred. It was obvious she had struck a nerve. A thought passed through my mind. Perhaps the goblins were forced to submit to the orc rather than it being an alliance?

The goblin with the two handed axe gave additional instructions. It roared, rilling up the goblins' fighting spirit. They brandished their daggers against their shields. It created an illusion of thunder rumbling inside of the cave. Killing intent oozed out of their small bodies. It was a mortifying sight.


After the leader gave out the command, the army of goblins charged forward. Loud thuds echoed across the cave. The entire army was disorderly. Some slower goblins were trampled to death whilst others climbed across each other.

"Ni mi mo" chanted a shaman goblin, waving its staff. Green vines sprouted from the ground. Like snakes, they wrapped around Renna's ankles, rooting her in place. Goblins quickly surrounded her. They snarled at her as they watched her struggle to get free from the vines. Whenever she would use her sword to slash at the vines, they would regenerate again at a terrifying speed.

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