Virtual Reality (Marinette)

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"You're an idiot, do you know that?"

Adrien smiled at Marinette in a way which only made him even more adorable. "I've been told a couple of times, yes!"

She chuckled, grabbing the ice cream from his hands before he could shove the cone in his mouth, as usual. There were at least a couple of decent licks left until he could guzzle down the rest.

"So what do we do now?" she asked, passing the remainder back to him and watching as he pushed the cone into his mouth and swallowed.

His throat bobbed with the force of the swallow and her eyes trailed every single movement like the weirdo she was. The sudden thought of his neck had her lips tingling. She bet it would be warm to kiss and lick...and maybe suck...

"We act up the engagement until I get the movie role and then we can amicably break up. That is...if it's okay with you, of course."

Could she pretend to be engaged to Adrien? Stupid question really. This was the role she was born to play.

"Well, Violet thinks we're together now, so it looks like I'm using you as much as you're using me." She smiled at him, watching the smile grow on Adrien's face, only to expand even more as he leaned forward towards her.

"Then it looks as though this is the start of a beautiful relationship, soon to be Mrs Agreste." He stretched up and wiped a thumb over the corner of her mouth, her tongue darting out almost instantly to trace where he'd just touched.

She watched his eyes dilate as he put his thumb in his mouth and sucked. He was seriously going to kill her. There would be nothing left on this bench except a melted puddle of Marinette, complete with pigtails and a pink bag – which her darling fiancé had brought back to her. Leaning in a little closer, his lips caressed her ear and sent shivers down her spine...and the melting began.

"Paparazzi on the bridge." He kissed her cheek, before softly moving a stray strand of hair from her face and tucking it gently behind her ear, every inch of skin burning from his touch. He stood and offered her his hand.

She placed her own in his, feeling comforted by the quick squeezes he gave her. He was letting her know everything was okay.

Trust me, his eyes said, her own responding by telling him she trusted him with her life.

Keeping the hold secure, Adrien led the way, walking her down the stairs and back onto the path. "Is this okay?"

Was this okay? She'd never felt anything more okay in all her life. Their hands slotted perfectly together, just as their bodies did when they hugged and the way they finished each other's sentences. She just wished she knew how his lips fit against hers, and as the light reflected off the perfect peach bow, she allowed herself the moment to imagine them on her own. All soft, warm...and tasty.

"This is perfect." She smiled up at him, his teeth bright and on show for all to see. A face full of happiness, and not a care in the world. He began to swing their hands, and she couldn't help but giggle.

He was such a good actor. Each glance at her made her feel like the only woman in the world, and the most beautiful. She didn't know how he did it. Especially, when at the moment, she looked nothing less than a lost puppy.

"You're so chill about this." She laughed, Adrien stopping to pull her closer, his arm looping around her waist and holding her to him before carrying on, pulling her in a synchronised stride.

"Why shouldn't I be? Not everyone knows this but..." He leant down to whisper in her ear. "I'm engaged to Ladybug."

Marinette snorted and pushed him away. "Ditching me already, Agreste! I always knew I wasn't super enough."

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